Sister of the Year

Jul 15, 2010 17:32

Title: Sister of the Year
Author: alifeofourown  
Pairing: Gabe Saporta/Jack Barakat (Cobra Starship/All Time Low), Casey Saporta/Shaun Saporta (Original Characters) Alexis Saporta/Connor Owens (Original Characters)
Rating: General
Summary: “Have you by chance washed the jeans that I bought the other day; the ones with the purple stars on the back pockets?”
Warnings: Stars, hearts, sisters and incest. Post mreg too.
Dedication: dee_jaydj   
Disclaimer: I don't own Gabe or Jack (though I wish I did), nor do I own Casey (who belongs to dee_jaydj ), I own half of Alexis (the other half belongs to dee_jaydj . Don't ask me which half I own, please...) and I own Shaun and Connor!
Author Notes: Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.

Alexis had spent hours fishing through her clothes for the new pair of jeans that she had purchased last week with her friends. She had set them aside for this specific night, the night that marked the five month anniversary with her boyfriend, Connor, and now that the night had actually arrived, her prized possessions were nowhere to be found. She had two ideas as to where they could be in the chaotic mess that was their home, and she instantly went to follow her leads.

Stepping around piles of her father’s current cases that somehow managed to make themselves at home in the hallways of the second floor, she rushed to her parents’ bedroom, hoping that this lead was correct, because if it ended up not being a result of her parents doing laundry, there would a mini war in their home tonight.
Alexis knocked politely on the door to her parents’ bedroom, waiting for permission to enter before she pushed back the door to reveal the surprisingly neat bedroom. “Hey, baby girl. What’s up?” Alex stepped across the room, her feet sinking into the plush carpeting that she used to fall asleep on all the time when she was little as she moved to sit down on the edge of the bed.

“Hey, Jack,” she said as she looked at her ‘mother’, watching as the man set aside the book that he had been reading. “Have you by chance washed the jeans that I bought the other day; the ones with the purple stars on the back pockets?”

“I don’t believe so,” Jack said as he shook his head. “If they weren’t in the hamper this week, then I didn’t touch them.” Alexis let out a small sigh of frustration, knowing at this point where her special jeans were hiding, or more likely, who was wearing them. “Lexis,” Jack said as he reached a hand out and put it on her shoulder, offering his daughter a secret smile. “Go easy on him, please? He needs to learn to ask, but I’m sure he had good reasons for taking them.”

Alexis nodded silently and she got up off of the bed with complete intentions of murdering her thieving little brother. She flashed an innocent smile at Jack before leaving the bedroom in a rush, almost knocking over one of the piles of paper that was perched precariously on top of an empty Coke can, courtesy of said thieving brother, no doubt. The door to her brother’s room was open a crack and she peeked inside, suddenly deciding to spy on him rather than attacking straight away.

She watched as her brother straightened his hair to calm down the massive attack of dark brown curls, waiting to see the purple stars on the back of his jeans for proof. Curiosity began to take over, though, as her brother began to fidget with his hair constantly and apply and reapply his eyeliner, something that he didn’t do unless he had a date with someone that he really liked; it made Alexis want to know where her little brother was going and what his plans were for the night.

After what seemed like forever, the boy finally turned around, giving Alexis a chance to see the scattering of purple stars across the back pockets of the pants. Instantly, she started the fight. “Twerp,” she seethed as she stormed into the room, slamming the door against the wall and startling her sibling. “Casey, give me back my jeans. Now.”

At first, Casey was going to come back with a joking remark or mention something perverted about the way she and Connor act, but for the first time in his life, he took a different tactic because this was an important night for him. “Alexis,” he said in a small voice as he looked at her, hoping that he’d be able to convince her to let him keep the jeans. “Can I wear them tonight? Please?”

Alexis was taken aback by Casey’s sudden polite begging, but she wasn’t willing to give in that easily. It had taken her forever to find those jeans, and she wasn’t about to let her little brother have them on the night that she had specifically set them aside for. “No,” she told him sternly. “Now give them back to me, now, or I’ll call Jack.” Casey just stood there, his hair falling into his eyes as he stared at his sister. “Fine then.” She opened her mouth to scream for Jack.

“He already knows I have them,” Casey told her right before she screamed, causing Alexis to stop instantly. Casey fingered the hole in the bottom of his shirt as he lowered his gaze, not quite wanting to see Alexis’ reaction to the fact that their ‘mother’ had practically told her that he didn’t know where they were.

“What the hell?” Alexis’ gaze darted from Casey to the door to their parents’ bedroom before it turned back to Casey. “He knows that you stole my jeans and he’s okay with it?” Casey nodded briefly and he brushed his hair back. “What…why?” Silence emanated from her younger brother and this was the first time since they were little kids that Alexis could remember Casey being this quiet. “Case, talk to me...”

Casey looked up at Alexis and he chewed lightly on his lower lip. “I’ve got a date, okay?” He really hadn’t wanted to divulge the information because he knew that it’d lead to more questions, but it seemed like Alexis wasn’t going to give up until he told her the truth.

“Oh, well that’s cute, but I don’t see why you need my jeans for your date.” Casey sighed. He knew that this was going to happen, that Alexis was going to pry and he really didn’t want her to. “Wait. Who are you taking out?” Casey swallowed slightly. Here it was, the moment of truth.

“Uh…Shaun…” He didn’t need to see the look on her face to know what his big sister was thinking right now. It was clearly obvious by the shocked gasp that slipped from her lips the second he said the name, and he understood exactly why she had reacted that way.

“Oh my god, Casey!” Casey winced and hoped that she wouldn’t squeak out her disapproval and disgust again. “You’re talking out the Shaun, our brother, your twin, Shaun?” Casey kept his on the ground and he nodded, chewing on the inside of his cheek so roughly that he could taste the metallic, warm blood that was beginning to seep into his mouth. “He’s our brother, Casey! Jack and Gabe are okay with the fact that you’re going to be incestuous with your twin?”

Casey looked up at Alexis, instantly wishing he hadn’t as he spotted the obvious disgust on her face, so he dropped his gaze again, almost wishing that his cocky, bitchy self would just reappear from wherever it was taking vacation and curse her out. “It took a while, but yeah, they’re okay with it. Jack said that love is love, and we can’t help who we fall for. This is our first and probably only date, because Gabe’s willing to drive us out of city so that no one knows who we are.”

There were dozens of things that Alexis could say at this point, but the overwhelming bit of information was just causing her to stare at her brother in silence. She opened her mouth to speak multiple times, but each time she was prepared to say something, she stopped and thought about it. Yeah, it was bad that her twin brothers were in love with each other, but then again, was it really? Love is love is love, and that to her kept her from saying anything horrid to Casey because no matter what, he was still her brother and she still loved him.

The door slammed shut downstairs and a cry of “We’re home!” echoed through the house. Footsteps pounded up the stairs, and Casey’s counterpart appeared in the doorway, grinning a bit as he bounced into the room. “Hey Alexis!” he said as he looked at her. “How’re you?”

“I’m…doing okay, kiddo,” she said as she reached out and pulled Shaun into her grip, hugging him tightly. She had been about to do the same thing with Casey, but before she reached for him, she recalled the last time that she tried to hug him and decided against it. “So, uh, I’ve got to go get ready for my date, but yeah…” She smiled lightly as she let go of Shaun. “I love you guys.”

Alexis turned around and walked towards the door, stopping once Casey called out her name. She turned around and looked at him quietly, her hair falling into her face as she did so. Casey swallowed. “So, about earlier…”

“I want my jeans back,” she told her brother simply as she looked at him. Casey instantly moved to unbutton the jeans and pull them off so that he could give them back to his sister, but Alexis’ next words stopped him. “First thing tomorrow, they better be on my bed.” Casey’s face broke out into a grin as he watched Alexis turn back around and head out of the twins’ bedroom and to her own.

“Hey!” Casey called after her, his grin spreading even farther across his face. “Make sure Connor treats you right tonight and that you two don’t get too lost in his bed.” He watched Alexis flip him off before she disappeared into her room and laughed, knowing that everything between the two of them was going to be okay.

“What was that about?” Shaun asked as he raised an eyebrow, trying to decipher the hidden message behind his siblings’ conversation. “Did you two like, make a deal with the devil or something?” Casey chuckled softly as he pulled Shaun into his grip, instantly kissing his brother’s tuft of soft, brown hair. “I’m serious! Did you guys like, magically become friends or something, because you two never talk and she despises you for stealing her clothes all the time!”

“It’s nothing like that,” Casey told him as he ran a hand along Shaun’s spine, smiling to himself as he did so. “We just have one of the best sisters in the world.” Shaun stared at his brother curiously, wanting to understand what he was trying to say, but he decided not to push it. Whatever was going on in Casey’s brain was going on in Casey’s brain, and while Shaun was curious, he left it alone because he loved his brother, and if he deserved to know, then Casey would tell him.

Until then, he’d just have to try and figure out how Alexis became sister of the year.

rating: general, band: cobra starship, pairing: alexis/connor, pairing: casey/shaun, pairing: jack/gabe, band: all time low

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