Jersey Boy Chapter Three

Aug 28, 2008 18:02

Title: Jersey Boy
Rating: PG-13
Author: alifeofourown
Pairing: Kevin/Joe
Summary: "Don't worry Joe. We'll explain it all to Kevin. You're going to get your happy ending."
A/N: Here is chapter three. I really hope you enjoy it! By the way, I love you all for the amazing amazing reviews! You make me happy beyond belief! I just started chapter seven, so I hope that when the time comes, you'll love it!

Joe curled up in a ball in the backseat of the taxi. He was a tiny bit glad that he had been the one to storm out on a fight this time, but he couldn’t help but cry. He had just destroyed any possible relationship he could have had with Kevin, and now they’d go another seven years without talking to each other, possibly longer. “Are you okay?” The lady driving the taxi asked him. She must have heard him sniffling in the back seat.

“I’ll be fine,” Joe replied softly, wiping away the tears. “Just, can you get me home please? It’s been a long day.” The woman nodded sympathetically and patiently waited for Joe to tell her his address. Once he had, she gave him another gentle look.

Little did he know that the one and only Kevin Jonas was following right behind him. The taxi zoomed out of New York City and down the highway to the outskirts of the state. Joe sighed, realizing that it would take another half hour to get to his home. Silently, he pulled out his old mp3 player and popped it into his ears, listening to one of their old songs. It was nice to know that once upon a time, they were best friends and produced music together.

Now, they were nothing. Joe changed the song to something a bit more bearable.

Slip away.

You will never make it through, that way.

Well you might.

If you try, I don’t care.

“We’re almost there,” the drive stated, shaking Joe out of his dream world. They had just crossed into his town and it was making Joe antsy. He didn’t want to go home, but he had nowhere else to go. Joe stared out the window as they passed through the town. It was surprisingly quiet for being only 10 P.M. on a Saturday. “We’re here,” the driver said softly, parking in front of a dilapidated apartment building.

Joe pulled out his headphones and shoved the mp3 player into his pocket. “Thanks,” he said softly, reaching into his pocket to get cab fare.

“Don’t worry about it,” the lady said, turning around to smile at Joe. “You were the nicest person I’ve had in my cab for a while, and I appreciate that. Just, go home and get some rest. You look like you could use it.” Joe smiled briefly as he stepped out of the cab. “Have a nice night!” she called before starting up her vehicle. Joe chuckled and walked towards the building.

He didn’t notice that a car had pulled up behind the taxi or that now someone was getting out of it. Kevin climbed out of the rental car, biting his lip to keep from gasping. The building that his brother was walking toward was nothing like anything he had seen before. The dark grey building was chipped and filthy. Hundreds of layers of graffiti covered the cheap brick, and the fire escape was dangling off the side of the building, threatening to fall.

“Joe lives here?” he asked himself, staring at the disturbing place. He would have kept staring if Joe hadn’t disappeared inside. With a quick sprint, Kevin made it into the building just in time to see the door for apartment 2-A close. Kevin sighed as he climbed up the rickety stairwell. How could his brother live here? It was rundown, trashy and not Joe at all. Kevin was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t recall getting to the top of the staircase. He also didn’t remember knocking on the apartment door.

The door swung open slowly, revealing an extremely shocked Joe. “Kevin?” This dragged Kevin out of his thoughts, and it seemed that Joe was most definitely not expecting him. “What the hell are you doing here? Wait…how’d you get here?”

Kevin looked down. “Uh…I kind of followed your taxi.” He peeked up at Joe and was actually scared by his angered expression. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to apologize. I was an asshole at the restaurant, and I just wanted to have a nice dinner with you. We haven’t talked in so long and I guess I forgot how to behave like a normal person around you.”

“Right, you forgot how to behave like a normal person around me. That’s really nice to know Kevin.” Joe started to shut the door, but before he was able to, Kevin wedged his foot into the way. “What do you want Kevin?”

“I’m sorry. Please, let me just talk to you for a bit.” Joe opened the door and slammed it on Kevin’s foot. “Five minutes!” Kevin groaned in pain. His foot was throbbing, but he refused to move it and let Joe get away again. Joe opened and slammed the door on Kevin’s foot a second time. “Please!”

Joe shoved his body into the door, getting another loud groan from Kevin. “You have five minutes,” he said quietly, pulling the door open. For a second, Kevin thought he was going to slam it on his foot again, but the door was held in place, allowing Kevin entrance to the apartment.

“Thank you,” Kevin said softly as he walked into the shabby apartment. It seemed that Joe lived on only the basic necessities. In the one room apartment, a ratty bed was set up in the corner, covered by only a thin blanket. There was a cheap armchair, two wooden chairs, a tiny table and the most depressing kitchen area Kevin had ever seen. “Joe…” Kevin whispered as he took another look around the apartment. “I’m sorry.”

Joe was startled by this sudden apology. He was so sure that Kevin was going to freak out about his apartment that he was prepared to snap at him, but the apology changed everything. Joe shut the door behind him and walked over to the bed, where he sat down. “What do you mean by you’re sorry?”

Kevin sighed. They were going to bring up the subject sooner or later, so he figured it might as well be sooner. Sitting down on the armchair, he looked at Joe quietly, leaving the unanswered question hanging in the air for a bit. “My behavior at the restaurant was rude and selfish, and I feel really horrible for treating you the way I did. Is there any way you can find it in your heart to forgive me?”

One look at Kevin’s eyes told Joe that he was being serious about everything he said. Joe sighed softly and closed his eyes. “Fine, I forgive you. Now if that’s all, could you please leave. I have work tomorrow and I need to actually be awake for it.” Kevin stared at Joe.

“That’s it? I forgive you now bye? What the hell Joe…” Joe opened his eyes to find Kevin glaring at him.

“Yeah, that’s it. What else do you want to talk about Kevin? Want to start pitying me because I can’t afford nice suits and vehicles like you?” Kevin was taken aback by the sudden change of conversation topic. “I’m sorry I’m not rich like you. What would you like me to do about it?”

Slowly, Kevin stood up and walked over to Joe. Silently, he leaned forward, his eyes meeting Joe’s. “Do you really think that the only thought running through my mind is me pitying you?” He took a short pause and lowered his voice to barely above a whisper. “I wouldn’t pity you because you can’t afford extravagant things. That’s the last thing I would do.”

Joe looked at Kevin with wide and curious eyes. He was impressed more than anything at his brother’s reactions to all the things that he had said and done that night. Two pair of milk chocolate eyes met and the rest was history.

If asked, neither man could tell you who initiated the action. Joe’s head had moved up and Kevin’s had moved down, allowing their lips to meet in perfect harmony. In some way, you could almost say that they were both long due for a reunion of lips. Kevin pushed Joe back gently onto the bed, entwining his hands into Joe’s soft feather-like hair.

“I’ve missed this,” Joe thought as he felt Kevin’s body press onto his, filling it with warmth. The two men rolled around the bed, kissing heavily for the next few minutes, and then it ended.

Joe came to his senses.

As Kevin leaned forward for another kiss, Joe stopped. He reached up and smacked Kevin across the face. “What the fuck!?” Kevin shouted, rubbing his bright red cheek.

“You don’t believe a single word I say, and yet you want to kiss me and act like it never happened? Get out. Get out of here now Kevin!” Joe shouted, sliding out of Kevin’s grasp. The two men stared at each other, both furious and hurt by Joe’s words and actions.

Kevin, still rubbing his sore cheek, picked up his jacket and headed towards the door without another word to the younger man. “I thought you had changed Joe,” Kevin whispered softly as he opened the door and exited the shabby apartment with extreme sadness.

Joe watched Kevin leave with a painful longing in his heart. He hadn’t meant to be that harsh with Kevin, but it had just happened. He couldn’t control it. “I guess I didn’t change…” he said softly to the closed door before falling back onto the bed.

Joe grabbed his trashy old phone and opened it before scrolling down to Kevin’s phone number. 1-832-563-5083

1 - 832 - JOE - LOVE

Joe could only hope that the number still worked. Quickly, he beasted out a text message to Kevin before slowly hitting the send button.

Kevin, I’m sorry for acting like a jerk tonight.

I can only hope that you’ll forgive me.

I’m so sorry.


In the rental car, Kevin pulled out his cell phone, shocked to see that the message was from Joe. He read it over at least fifty times before smiling.

At least Joe was trying to make it all better.

They had made tons of mistakes over the course of that night, but the boys tried to fix them all.

And that was the key point of their relationship. They tried to fix things.

And that was the night the first basket came.

rating: mature, story: jersey boy, pairing: joe/kevin, genre: angst, band: jonas brothers

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