Jersey Boy Chapter One

Aug 26, 2008 19:20

So I posted a chapter of this on a different fanfiction site today, and I was completely and utterly shocked to find that people started crying over it. Well, it wasn't this chapter, but the chapter will come soon enough.

I think I've held you all off long enough, so here it goes! Enjoy!

7 Years Later

Kevin straightened his tie before giving himself a final look over. Everything had to be perfect today. This was the most important day of Kevin Jonas’ life. Kevin slicked back his hair, took a look in the mirror and then fluffed his hair back out. It didn’t matter that having his hair back looked more professional; it just wasn’t Kevin.

A glance at his clock told Kevin that he was now running late. Quickly, he grabbed his jacket and ran out of the door without bothering to turn off his bathroom light. Exiting his own personal mansion, Kevin got into his Mercedes. Fluidly, he slid his key into the ignition and started the car. “Come on baby. I have a promotion meeting to get to.”

The car purred in response as Kevin put it into drive and zoomed out of his driveway, leaving the sparkling mansion behind. “This is going to be the best day of my life,” Kevin thought as he drove down the highway. It would only take ten minutes to get to his job, so he wouldn’t be terribly late. Kevin sung along to a random song that started to play on the radio as he drove. It was not unusual for Kevin to start singing songs that were brand new and just being released. Being a music producer gave him the opportunity to know the songs before they were released.

Yeah, he was cool like that.

As Kevin pulled into the parking garage located in New York City, he smiled. Today, he was becoming a partner of the company. It was the best day of his life. Kevin slid the car into his new parking space. As he got out of his car, Kevin admired his new parking spot and the tag they had to identify it.

Kevin Jonas


Kevin smiled as he grabbed his briefcase out of the backseat. One more day and he’d be living in complete and utter luxury. It seemed that Kevin had zoned out so much that he didn’t hear his boss’ calls. “Kevin!” A hand clapped down on Kevin’s shoulder, startling the man. Kevin jumped and whirled around and stared at his boss. “Did I scare you?”

“No, I’m sorry sir. I was just thinking, and that’s my fault,” Kevin replied, placing a hand on his pounding heart. “So, how are you Mr. Kornette?” Kevin asked, feeling the rushing heart of his slow steadily. Mr. Kornette laughed as he gave Kevin another pat on the shoulder.

“Kevin, you can call me Steve now. We’re partners, so no need for the formalities.” Kevin nodded as he removed his hand from his chest. His heartbeat had returned to the normal speed, and it was only a matter of time before it would jump back up from the excitement of his new office quarters. “I’ll see you inside Kevin,” Steve said as he disappeared into the building.

Kevin picked up his briefcase and locked his car before following Steve into the building. He wouldn’t have much to do that day. Stephanie, his secretary, had already moved his personal items into his new office, and the transfer forms and pay grade had been established. Kevin had an easy day.

As he walked into his office, Stephanie attacked him. “Congratulations Kevin!” she shouted before pulling a cake out from behind her back. “I knew you would get it,” she said with a smile. Kevin chuckled and took the cake from her hands and set it down before hugging her.

“Thanks Steph. I really appreciate it. I mean, I would have never gotten here without you, and I’m really glad that you’re moving up with me.” Steph smiled as she tucked a lock of curly black hair behind her ear. She knew that it was going to be a new challenge, this promotion, but it was worth it. If it meant that she would get to continue following her advisor, mentor and major crush, that was fine with her. “So what do you say about us cutting this cake?” Kevin asked as he picked up the decorated flowery cake. “It looks scrumptious.”

Steph smiled shyly as she followed Kevin into his new office. Quickly, she pulled the plates and forks that she had collected off of her desk before sliding into the new office and shutting the door behind her. Kevin snagged a knife off of the pile of utensils that Steph had and began to cut the cake with it. “I’m glad you like it,” Stephanie said as she locked the door behind her.

“What are you doing?” Kevin asked as he turned around. “Why’d you lock my door?” Steph walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder before pushing him back onto his desk. “Stephanie, what’re you doing!?” Kevin cried, trying to push her off of him without hurting her.

Stephanie moved back slightly, but kept her hands on his shoulder, keeping him down. “I’m giving you my gift for your promotion,” she replied before pouncing and kissing him. Kevin groaned, disgusted at the salty taste of her lips. Roughly, he pushed her off of him.

“No!” he hissed, moving away from his desk in case of an attempted repeat incident. “I don’t like you like that Steph, so stop it. Stephanie bit her lip and sighed.

“I was so sure that you did. I mean, I saw the signs! You were a lot nicer to me than to anyone else, you bought me outrageously overpriced gifts, and you cared! You checked on me when I was sad, and no one else did. God Kevin, I thought you loved me.” Kevin sighed.

“Not that way,” he replied softly before reaching out towards her. “Now come on, let’s enjoy this amazing cake that you got me.

Kevin was an easy forgiver when it came to Stephanie. She was too sweet to be mad at.

An hour and a half a cake later, Stephanie politely excused herself from Kevin’s office, but not before apologizing once again. “It’s fine Steph, just don’t do it again.” She nodded and sipped out of the office, shutting the door behind her.

And then Kevin went to work.

First he set up his desk, placing all of his old belongings onto it. He set up the pictures of his family and friends on the walls, and added some of his quirky touches to the boring monochromatic room. “There,” he breathed, looking over his handiwork. “That looks tons better.” Slowly, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a tiny necklace. It wasn’t anything special; just a tiny golden basket attached to a chain.

The thing that made it special was that Joe had given it to him. The boys had taken a trip to the lighthouse in North Wildwood, and Kevin fell in love with that necklace when he first saw it. Later that day, Joe had pulled it out of his pocket and given it to Kevin, startling the teen. The necklace had been a little over two hundred dollars, but money didn’t matter to Joe. All that had mattered was making Kevin happy.

They had shared their first kiss on the beach that night. Kevin sighed at the memories as he opened the little basket and pulled out the ‘miniature penny’ that had come with the basket. Joe had told Kevin that the tiny penny would bring him luck. Eight years later, the penny paid off, and now Kevin had the job of his dreams.

“We made it little guy,” he said to the small piece of metal before kissing it. “We finally have a place to call home.” With that, he set the necklace and penny on his desk, front and center. Kevin smiled. He was finally done. “It’s nice,” he thought to himself as he placed his hand down on the desk.

* * *

“I’m leaving,” Kevin yelled to Stephanie as he headed out the door. The work day had been pretty nice, and he was looking forward to his first real day as partner, but first he had to celebrate. He threw his now empty briefcase into the backseat of his car and hopped in. A night on the town sounded like the perfect ending to his perfect day.

Kevin slipped on his seat belt and pulled out of the parking spot. “I’m outta here!” he shouted before zooming out of the parking garage. “Where to go first?” He thought as he drove down the empty highway. Leaving before rush hour had been a good idea after all. “Dinner sounds nice,” he said softly as he veered into the right lane, setting his sights on Anzalone.

Thinking of the tasty Italian meal that was waiting for him, he didn’t notice that the traffic light had changed to red. By the time Kevin noticed the light change, it was too late. He jammed his foot onto the break, but it was unavoidable that he would hit the car that had stopped in front of him.

“Oh shit!” Kevin shouted as the collision came. The Mercedes rammed into the AVEO in front of him. “God damn it,” Kevin cried as he was shoved forward from the force of the car.

Thank god for his seatbelt or he would have died.

When the car came to a complete halt, Kevin jumped out and ran to the car in front of him. The man who had been in the car was now getting out and rubbing his head. As Kevin walked up to him, he struggled for a way to properly apologize. “Oh my god, I’m really sorry. Are you okay? You’re not hurt are you?” The man groaned softly as he moved on to rub the back of his neck.

“Shit,” Kevin muttered as he moved forward. “Is there anything I can do? I mean, if you’re hurting I can…” Kevin stopped as the man turned, allowing him to clearly see his face. “Joe?”

Joe had indeed changed. His hair was slightly longer than it had been the last time they had seen each other, and he was skinner, if that were at all possible, but behind all these changes, he was still the same old Joe.

“Thanks for that lovely wake up call Kevin,” Joe muttered, still rubbing his neck. “I really needed that.”

rating: teen, story: jersey boy, pairing: joe/kevin, genre: angst, band: jonas brothers

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