Slut! an Alex Tour Chapter Six

Apr 06, 2010 18:19

Title: Slut! an Alex Tour
Authors: alifeofourown  and lifeisafantasy2  , this chapter written by alifeofourown   
Rating: NC-17
Pairings (in no specific order): Alex Gaskarth/Travis Clark (We The Kings), Alex Gaskarth/John Ohh (The Maine), Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat (All Time Low), Alex Gaskarth/Zack Merrick (All Time Low), Alex Gaskarth/Rian Dawson (All Time Low), Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes (Bring Me The Horizon), Alex Gaskarth/Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy), Alex Gaskarth/Mark Hoppus (blink-182), Alex Gaskarth/Martin Johnson (Boys Like Girls), Alex Gaskarth/Caleb Turman (Forever the Sickest Kids), Alex Gaskarth/Eminem (Eminem), Alex Gaskarth/Gabe Saporta (Cobra Starship), Alex Gaskarth/Ryan Ross (Panic at the Disco), Alex Gaskarth/Pat Brown (Sing it Loud), Alex Gaskarth/William Beckett (The Academy Is...), Alex Gaskarth/Brendon Urie (Panic at the Disco), Alex Gaskarth/Jeffree Star (Jeffree Star), Alex Gaskarth/Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance), Alex Gaskarth/Joel Madden (Good Charlotte), Alex Gaskarth/Craig Mabbit (Escape the Fate), Alex Gaskarth/Derek Sanders (Mayday Parade), Alex Gaskarth/Cameron Leahy (The Downtown Fiction), Alex Gaskarth/Trace Cyrus (Metro Station), Alex Gaskarth/Tyson Ritter (The All-American Rejects) and Alex Gaskarth/His Hand
This Chapter: Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes
Warnings: Smut, Sex, possible kinky-ness, swearing, insanity, whore-ish behaviour and more!
Summary: Alex Gaskarth was an attention whore, or just a whore in general, whatever; he wasn't offended either way.
Disclaimer: If we owned anyone in this fic, then that means that slash is now widespread news. Everybody, RUN!
Beta: lifeisafantasy2   
Author Notes: Rhee - Hey, is anyone out there? I'm reaching see if any of you lovely people remember this...and us... Yes, the hiatus is officially over, or at least I'm going to declare it over, because I'm all awesomesauce like that. I've missed you lovely, beautiful, adorable people! It's been a long while, hasn't it? Well, we're back, and this chapter, which sadly took forever to write, is in existence, so enjoy! (:
Keni - Believe it or not, yes we do still exist, even after the millions of years that it has taken Rhee to write this chapter! Hope you guys will still enjoy the story, regardless.

Alex wasn’t sure whether he was grateful for the lull in his sex life at the moment or completely and utterly frustrated with it. On the one hand, Jack was kind of talking to him now that he constantly didn’t smell of sex and the Trace and Alex photo-op had blown over by Trace telling everyone that they were going on an expedition for lollipops and rainbows. Well…that and the fact that Pat Brown got caught making out with bassist Nate Flynn behind the Smartpunk stage, so Sing it Loud was now the center of attention, really. Alex, while he was a ridiculous whore, hadn’t managed to get that caught by Mink yet, and it would stay that way as long as Alex was careful, or at the very least knew how to bribe and blackmail people still.

The All Time Low tour bus was quiet today, and Alex knew exactly why that was. Days off on Warped typically meant that everyone was either, spending the day sleeping, partying, or running errands. Jack, no doubt, was partying his Lebanese ass off. Rian was still passed out in his bunk, and Zack…who the hell knew where Zack was? Flyzik had mentioned something about running errands and the last time Alex had seen him, he had been dragging a highly protesting Vinny off to one of the few cars that actually managed to keep up with all of the insane tour busses.

Alex was alone, and it was extremely boring. He pushed himself up off of the front lounge couch and made a slight noise of distaste as his hand landed in something sticky and gross. Jack would die at his hands tonight, no doubt. The boy ran his clean hand over his face, making a mental note to shave the stubble that was just starting to form on his chin, before he walked over to the sink and washed the gross, sticky substance off of his hand. As he cleaned his hands off, he unconsciously sniffed at his armpits to see if they were gross enough to the point that he needed a shower. His nose wrinkled, eww…that just smelled rank.

A shower was needed right now, in Alex’s opinion, but there was no doubt in his mind that if he even considered stepping off the bus at the moment, he wouldn’t go near the showers until hours later. Well this was a slight issue, it seemed. Alex pressed his lips together and sighed quietly. What to do… well, the bus was silent, so it was clear that staying on it wouldn’t be fun.

Oh, correction. Rian was now snoring, definitely not staying here.

Alex sighed as he went back to the bunk area in search of a change of clothes that were actually semi-clean. Flyzik really did need to find somewhere for them to do their laundry, because this lack of clean clothing was ticking Alex off. It wasn’t that Alex absolutely despised clothing that wasn’t fresh out of the dryer clean; he didn’t mind wearing dirty clothing (although walking around in come filled underwear made his penis aggravated), but fresh, clean clothing after a shower wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? Really?

He searched through his pile of clothing twice before finally deciding on his rather clean Blink shirt, a pair of shorts, and underwear (surprisingly). He’d care more about what he was putting on his body if there were actually people around to impress, but most of the people on this tour had seen him streaking through the grounds of his last tour, high and in desperate search of his clothes on YouTube. They wouldn’t care how he was dressed on his day off, or at least he figured they wouldn’t.

From somewhere behind him, the snoring ceased and a sputter came before it resumed, god damn Rian and his loud mouth. Alex kicked at the bunk that the drummer was sleeping in before he grabbed all of the shit he’d need for a shower, shoved it into the first bag he found, ignoring the fact that it belonged to Zack and he’d probably get hell for it later, and then left the bus, actually looking forward to getting clean again.

It didn’t surprise Alex in the slightest to realize that the second he stepped off of the bus, he got attacked. “Uh…” Alex stared as he found the red headed guitarist of Forever the Sickest Kids standing outside of the All Time Low tour bus. “Can I help you?”

Caleb shrugged slightly, trying and failing to conceal the grin on his face. “I don’t know, can you? I was bored, so I figured I might just come bother you, but you seem to be on your way out.” Alex shrugged a bit as he pulled the bag up higher on his shoulder. “Where are you headed?”

“What’s it matter?” Alex said a little harshly, not even sure at the moment as to why he was getting so pissy with Caleb. It wasn’t like the man had done anything to him or had put him in a bad mood. “Ugh, sorry. I’m going to shower.”

Caleb raised an eyebrow at Alex, clearly noticing the snappiness in the singer’s mood. “It’s cool,” he said breezily as he threw an arm over Alex’s shoulders, frowning as the younger man shoved his arm off after a mere second. “So, Kyle was telling me that they have the best showers here. Better than any of the hotels.”

“Okay,” Alex said as he hiked his bag a little higher up on his shoulder, ignoring Caleb’s random rant about the showers. He began to walk to the building on the grounds that Flyzik had mentioned housed the water spraying items. He wasn’t really sure why Caleb was following him like a lost puppy, but the whole thing was getting rather frustrating, and at the moment, he was debating just turning around and shouting for the red head to get lost, but he couldn’t do that to Caleb. They were friends, and if there was one thing that Alex needed right now, it was friends. His relationship with his band mates was clearly on the rocks, and he didn’t need to fuck that up any worse, but with Caleb, he’d be fine. The stupid boy didn’t seem to be one of those who would stop talking to him if he continued on with his whorish behavior. This might actually work out in Alex’s favor.

“So I was thinking, later we can chill or something? Just do a low key whatever? Movie or we can get drunk and play Monopoly, like we did last time we were on tour together. Or, you know, there’s that party that the My Chem bus is throwing, skittles, vodka, drunk dancing, and whatnot.”

Alex looked over at Caleb and he almost felt like he could stop his snappy, distant behavior and be nice. He actually almost said okay to Caleb’s suggestion of drunken Monopoly, but he wasn’t like that anymore. The concept of trying to buy a house using property cards and insisting they were money didn’t appeal to him. The party, Skittles vodka, that sounded more up his alley. “You know, the party sounds like a plan, Caleb,” Alex said as he flashed a brilliant grin at the guitarist, hoping that this would be enough to get Caleb off of his back for the time being so that he could go and shower in peace, be himself for a bit and then find his band mates and kill them for leaving the tour bus a mess.

“Yeah?” Caleb asked, his voice actually rising a bit in hope that Alex wasn’t just trying to shove him away. “So we’ll go hang at the party tonight?” If Caleb really knew Alex, he’d know that the brunet was just trying to get rid of him, that he really didn’t give a damn about hanging out with Caleb at the moment, but the red head was just so wrapped up in…who the hell knows what, that he didn’t see it. He just knew that he wanted to hang out with Alex and Alex was giving him the time of day, for once.

“Sure,” Alex said as he grinned at Caleb again. “Now, I’m going to go shower, maybe catch a nap. I’ll text you later, yeah?” Caleb nodded briefly and Alex smiled. “Cool. Now, peace.” He flashed a quick peace sign at Caleb and abandoned the red head before he even had a chance to say goodbye, ducking into the showers without a glance back.

It was oddly quiet in the shower room, Alex noted. People were probably caring more about the concept of getting drunk off their asses than cleaning themselves. Oh well, their loss. Alex headed over to the men’s showers and slipped into the locker room.
Within seconds, he had stripped himself of his clothing, grabbed his soap and was heading into the showers. Just upon entering the shower room, Alex froze, his eyes catching sight of a sight that he didn’t expect to see in a million years.

The tattooed back that Alex’s eyes had laid sight on clearly belonged to Oli Sykes, this much he was certain about, and the overly hot naked man had himself wrapped around someone else, someone else that Alex knew.

What the fuck was Oli Sykes doing kissing his brother?

Well whatever the reason, it was ridiculously hot.

“Ahem,” Alex said quietly, a smirk spreading across his lips as he watched the two of them pull apart. Tom’s face turned a bright red while Oli turned around and he looked at Alex, his eyebrow instantly rising as he pushed some of his sopping wet hair out of his face.
“Didn’t anyone ever teach you to knock?” he asked as his eyes undeniably ran over Alex’s body, instantly liking what he saw, or at least that was how Alex took it.

“Didn’t anyone ever teach you that when it’s an open shower, knocking doesn’t happen?” Alex retorted as he stepped into the shower room and dropped his soap. “How long have you two been up to your little antics?” He watched as Oli stepped in front of his brother in a rather protective manner, as if Alex was going to hurt him or something.

The shower water was beating down rather hot on Alex’s body as he stepped forward so that he was about a half a foot away from Oli. “You know, you ruined a perfectly good fuck,” Oli commented, knowing that while Tom was completely not okay with him sharing that information, based off of the squeak and hard pinching of Oli’s side, Alex was completely amused with it. “I think you’re going to have to fix that, now, because I’m a little pissed off, Gaskank.”

It was all rather sudden. One second, Alex was standing there with a rather enjoyable smirk on his face and the next he was pressed against the shower wall with Oli’s lips on his and Tom hovering awkwardly to the side. Within seconds, Alex had tugged the younger boy towards them with his free hand, pulling back from Oli as he shoved Tom at him, clearly in the mood to watch the two of them start making out.

Tom caught on quickly and he instantly began to kiss his brother, tangling his hands in his hair as he did so. Alex watched, watched as they kissed, watched as they began to touch each other, watched as they began to touch each other inappropriately. He listened to the gasps, the moans, the choked out names, and while he did, little Alex stood at attention, clearly wanting to take a part in this kinky, incestuous relationship.

When it looked to him that Oli was about to turn Tom around and shove him against the wall to fuck him until the boy could no longer move, Alex took that as his cue, and he slipped in between the two of them, gluing his lips to Tom’s as he pressed his ass against Oli’s hardened dick. There was stillness from both sides for a second or two, but quickly, the Sykes brothers caught on, and Oli was gripping Alex’s hips while Tom was slowly beginning to lower himself in front of Alex, trailing kisses down the bare, wet chest as he did so.

Alex’s head arched back in ecstasy as he felt Tom’s tongue slide skillfully along the slit of his cock. This was fucking amazing, and oh god, Tom was….ugh…

Unbeknownst to Alex, Oli had locked eyes with Tom and the older brother was silently giving the younger one signals, a grin on his face as he did so.




“Holy fucking shit!” Alex practically screamed as Oli pushed himself inside of him and Tom took him into his mouth. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Alex found himself reaching blindly for something or someone to hold onto, his one hand ending up on the wall and his other in Tom’s hair as he struggled to keep the garbled stream of words, names and moans from slipping out of his throat.

The Sykes brothers did not disappoint. The second Alex was adjusted, they moved together, one pushing and pulling while the other bobbed his head like a master blow job machine, leaving Alex to be a pile of overloading putty in their hands. This double attack, it hadn’t been what he had expected at all, but Alex fucking loved it.

Oli slammed his dick against Alex’s prostate and Tom’s tongue flicked over Alex’s slit, sending Alex over the edge and coming hard and fast as he breathed out their names and a loud muttering of ‘fuck!’

Tom dutifully swallowed Alex’s come, and the second he pulled back, Alex tugged him up, pulling him by the hair as he crashed their lips together in a hot, messy kiss. Oli was still getting to his climax inside of Alex, and poor Tom was just achingly hard and had no relief. Alex’s hand made its way down to Tom’s untouched dick as he tasted his come in the younger boy’s mouth.

The feeling of Oli suddenly biting down hard on his neck and coming inside of him was fucking amazing, and it made Alex cry out against Tom’s lips as he stroked the boy roughly into an orgasm of his own. When Tom came, the three of them pulled apart, Alex collapsing against the shower wall while Oli tugged his brother over to him and pulled him into a bruising, territorial kiss.

When the brothers parted, Oli wrapped an arm around Tom and he looked at Alex. “That was a one-time deal, Gaskank. We’re exclusive at this point, so don’t expect shit from either of us.” Breathlessly, Alex nodded and he watched with amused eyes as the two left the showers to go and dry off.

Oh the things you get into when you want to take a shower, Alex mused as he pushed himself up off of the ground and went to reclaim his discarded wash materials. He stepped into the lukewarm water and quickly washed up, glad that for once, he wouldn’t have to return to the bus smelling of sex and getting glared at by Jack and the rest. He just had to hope that Oli knew best and would keep his fucking mouth shut about it. Then at least Alex would be able to maintain some sort of okay ground with his band mates. The last thing he needed to do was fight with them.

Quickly, Alex showered, changed into his clean clothes and disappeared, knowing that for the record, this had never happened. If he was smart, he’d be able to play this one safe.

The My Chem party was fucking amazing, and an almost drunk Alex roaming around the hordes of hot guys was exactly what was needed to make the party a little livelier. Armed with a shot of grape flavored Skittles vodka, he began to weave his way in and out of the tiniest holes between people. He had already managed to shove Ryan Ross away from his childlike boyfriend, knocked Cassadee off of her feet as she was in the midst of dancing with Jersey, her replacement for when Hayley wasn’t around, and even had managed to pull off knocking Gabe Saporta into the bar, earning a nice shove back that landed him in the arms of a very curious looking Gerard Way.
Yeah, this was definitely ending up as a great party so far.

“Yo! Alex! Get the fuck over here!” Blurred vision told Alex that he was being called over by Martin Johnson and that the singer was clearly bored at the moment. Alex grinned and he downed his shot before shoving himself between a dancing Ryland and Vicky T to get to Martin. “How much have you had to drink?” the man asked as he watched Alex stumble over nothing but air. “Stella taking you home again?”

Alex laughed obscenely in response to Martin’s tease, “Hahahahah! Noooo…” His drawl was clearly noted by the Boys Like Girls front man, so he leaned over and hooked an arm around Alex’s waist, tugging the singer towards him. Alex giggled gaily and he draped his arm over Martin’s shoulder in response.

Within seconds, the two were making out hotly between drunken laughter on the dance floor while the rest of Boys Like Girls, and a few others who had stopped to watch, started filming the make out and taking pictures to blackmail the two of them with at a later date. Everyone on the dance floor, everyone at the party, even, seemed to enjoy watching Alex and Martin exchanging saliva in a fun, drunken manner.

Everyone except for the red head in the corner, the one who was holding two shots, one for himself and one for the drunk boy who wasn’t going to be his, or even close to him tonight. While Alex made out with Martin (although at this point, he was actually making a fool of himself in a desperate attempt to dance), Caleb dropped the shots on the closest table to him and turned away from the party, walking away from it without another glance back. He didn’t care what Alex was doing, of course not.

And he definitely wasn’t jealous.

Whatever, what Alex Gaskarth did on his own time from now on, Caleb didn’t care. He gave up on the boy, because if he had any shot of winning him over, he’d need a miracle.

And that was just something that Caleb didn’t have.

genre: romance, pairing: multiple, genre: smut, rating: nc-17, band: multiple

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