Slut! an Alex Tour Chapter One

Aug 19, 2009 01:35

 Title: Slut! an Alex Tour
Authors: alifeofourown   and lifeisafantasy2  
Rating: Uhh...yeah....NC-17 or R, your choice
Pairings (in no specific order): Alex Gaskarth/Travis Clark (We The Kings), Alex Gaskarth/John Ohh (The Maine), Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat (All Time Low), Alex Gaskarth/Zack Merrick (All Time Low), Alex Gaskarth/Rian Dawson (All Time Low), Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes (Bring Me The Horizon), Alex Gaskarth/Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy), Alex Gaskarth/Mark Hoppus (blink-182), Alex Gaskarth/Martin Johnson (Boys Like Girls), Alex Gaskarth/Caleb Turman (Forever the Sickest Kids), Alex Gaskarth/Eminem (Eminem), Alex Gaskarth/Gabe Saporta (Cobra Starship), Alex Gaskarth/Ryan Ross (Panic at the Disco), Alex Gaskarth/Pat Brown (Sing it Loud), Alex Gaskarth/William Beckett (The Academy Is...), Alex Gaskarth/Brendon Urie (Panic at the Disco), Alex Gaskarth/Jeffree Star (Jeffree Star), Alex Gaskarth/Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance), Alex Gaskarth/Joel Madden (Good Charlotte), Alex Gaskarth/Craig Mabbit (Escape the Fate), Alex Gaskarth/Derek Sanders (Mayday Parade), Alex Gaskarth/Cameron Leahy (The Downtown Fiction), Alex Gaskarth/Trace Cyrus (Metro Station) and Alex Gaskarth/Tyson Ritter (The All-American Rejects) and Alex Gaskarth/His Hand 
Warnings: Smut, Sex, possible kinky-ness, swearing, insanity, whore-ish behaviour and more!
Summary: Alex Gaskarth was an attention whore, or just a whore in general, whatever; he wasn't offended either way.
Disclaimer: If we owned anyone in this fic, then that means that slash is now widespread news. Everybody, RUN!
Beta: Depending on the chapter, it's alifeofourown   or lifeisafantasy2   or with the colab chapters, it's both!
Author Notes: Rhee - I fail at actually getting anything done like I say I will. This was supposed to be up hours ago, but people have been distracting me all day and right now it's actually almost 2 in the morning and it's my birthday right now so yeah... : )
Unfortunately, Keni is chillin with her pillows because she's got school today and I don't, so I'm here to update you all with another chapter that does not have a title because we kind of forgot to put one to this...sooo....why don't you create a title for this chapter and tell it to us. Best chapter title suggestion gets to have their idea as the chapter title! Love you all and thanks so much for the great feedback for the prologue!

Alex Gaskarth was really, really hot; in the literal sense. He was so hot, that he was tempted to dump the water bottle in his hand on his head but he decided he'd rather drink it instead. Despite it being ridiculously hot outside, he was still wearing his favorite beanie, scanning the area, taking in the different bands and the setup.

Alex let out a small sigh as he watched the infamous John Ohhh strut across the field towards a mob of fans waiting for his signature while Gabe Saporta, Pete Wentz, and William Beckett were hiding back in the VIP tent, trying to get out of the heat. Alex's eyes narrowed as he looked off into the distance, listening to the beginning beats of Jeffree Star playing out on the Smartpunk stage. There was only two hours until All Time Low was due to play on the Hurley Stage, and he was excited for it, but at the same time, he was nervous being with all these famous bands.

This was their chance, as a band, to prove themselves and he knew it. He was ready to get up there on the stage and show people how much they deserved to be there with some of these big names. Alex smiled to himself as he looked at the hounds of people walking around Warped tour and he knew that now he would make everything right. They'd put on a hell of a performance today and because of that earn so many more fans than they originally had, and maybe Alex would even earn the attention of the people that he wanted so desperately to meet.

He gulped down some water and wiped at the sweat trailing down his face. He was definitely about to follow the example of other bands and chill in the VIP tent for a little while. As he made his way towards the tent he meets the eyes none other than John Ohh himself, still surrounded by fans, and the taller vocalist raises a brow as Alex smirks. He didn't think it'd be too difficult to catch that one’s attention.

As he kept walking, Alex noticed that more than one pair of eyes locked onto his as he made his way to the VIP tent. Travis Clarke from We the Kings was staring at him from underneath his shaded tent, and he was pretty sure that Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross had stopped talking beneath their band's tent when he had passed. Alex smiled as he looked towards the VIP tent, noticing that eyes were catching his there too. This might be a very fun Warped tour.

When he walked past Eminem, who looked broody which wasn't unusual, he saw the older man blatantly check him out. Alex knew for sure he would enjoy this tour so, so much. It wasn't exactly a secret that Alex got off on attention. He was an attention whore, or just a whore in general, whatever, he wasn't offended either way.

When Alex stepped into the VIP tent, he smiled lightly as the shade overtook his body, allowing him to fully resist the urge to dump what was left of the bottle of water over his body. His smile faded a bit as he caught Oli Sykes break away from talking with his little brother/photographer and glanc over at Alex with an 'I want that' stare. Alex's smile reappeared as he looked at him, catching his eye until someone shoved his beanie over his eyes.

"What the hell?" Alex exclaimed, quickly removing his beanie before turning around to stare the culprit, Caleb Turman, right in the eyes. "It's nice to see you too Caleb," Alex said, trying to fight off a grin.

Caleb laughed, "It's always nice to see me."Alex smiled at his old time friend and the next thing he knew, Caleb was messing with Alex's hair.

"Hey man, stop it!" Alex laughed as he tried to pull away. "I've got my gig in an hour and this hair doesn't style itself."

"Oh poor baby," Caleb said as he kept on messing with Alex's hair. "You'll go onstage with sex hair and then everyone will think you're amazing because you just got it on right before your show."

"People think I'm amazing anyway," Alex answered in a matter-of-fact tone. He wore a mock scandalized look when Caleb just ruffled his hair again.

The red-haired singer stood back, as if admiring his work. "Very sexy, the girls will go crazy."

"They'll probably think that I was fucking Jack like they always do," Alex said with a smile. "It's what we make them think at least." Caleb rolled his eyes at Alex, and that was when Alex took his revenge, beginning to fuck up Caleb's hair just as he had done to him.

"Hey, man!" Caleb growled. "Not cool! The sex hair might look good on you, but on me it's going to turn into an afro, I swear."

Alex feigned being serious, "I don't know, I think that could be a good look for you." With that said, he continued to mess up Caleb's hair, and yeah, he noticed that Caleb wasn't hating this as much as he made it seem.

"You guys should either stop flirting or get a room," said a voice coming from behind Alex.

"Oh my," Caleb stated as he rested an arm on Alex's shoulder. "It's Gerard Way, the hero of the random world." Alex rolled his eyes at the boy's description of the My Chem member in front of him and shrugged him off of his shoulder.

"Behave child," he scolded before looking over at Gerard. "See? We stopped."

"Kind of wanted you to choose the ‘get a room’ option so I could watch." Gerard laughed at the weak punch Alex aimed at his arm.

"Didn't know you were a voyeur." Caleb said, once again resting his arm on Alex's shoulder only to be shrugged off again.

"Oh yeah, secret kink," he joked.

"You are such a perv Gee," Alex told him as he shook his head. "Only you would want to watch Caleb and I get it on."

Gerard grinned. "Well if you two do decide to get it on during Warped, make sure to invite me so I can watch, got it? If you don't something bad'll happen." Caleb's raised a brow as he pulled Alex closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Is that a threat or a promise Gerard," he said as he got dangerously close to pulling Alex into a kiss.

"Maybe...a little of both." Gerard sucked in a breath at how close Caleb and Alex were and at the glazed look in their eyes.

Caleb started to move in but a wicked grin graced Alex's lips and he stepped away. Caleb huffed, "Tease."

"I'm used to hearing that," Alex said as he smiled. "So it's not that big of a deal for me to hear that from you." Caleb frowned lightly, but the second he did, Alex was back to messing up his hair like a twelve year old who had just found his first crush.

"You're such a baby Alex," Gerard commented as he laughed at the boy who was playing with Caleb like no one else would.

"I know I am," Alex told Gerard as he continued ruffling Caleb's hair until he was swiftly grabbed around the waist and yanked away from the ginger haired boy.

"Come on loser," Jack said as he dragged Alex s away from Caleb and Gerard. "We have sound check to take care of."

"Yeah, yeah, I was on my way." Alex said, shimmying out of Jack's hold.

"It didn't look that way to me. You are such a flirt," Jack said, slapping Alex on his ass as he walked ahead of him.

Alex shook his hips and raised his eyebrows at Jack, who laughed. "That's nothing I haven't heard before."

"Doesn't surprise me you sneaky little flirt," Jack said as he gently nudged Alex to get him to move a bit faster. "Now come on already. Zack looked like he was ready to kill someone because you were missing."

Alex turned around and looked at Jack. "Are you serious?" he asked, only to be nodded at by his guitarist. "Wow, that boy has issues."

"No kidding." Jack replied. They walked in relative silence until they reached the stage. Rian looked lazy in the summer heat and Zack just looked annoyed.

"About time you get here. Where the hell were you?" Zack asked accusingly.

Alex raised his hands in defense, "I just lost track of time. I'm here now so chill, okay?"

"He was flirting with Caleb and Gerard," Jack said as he scoffed. "Honestly Alex, those guys are so out of your league it's not even funny." Alex frowned as he looked at the guitarist.

"You're such an asshole Jack. Just because I’m getting all of the attention doesn't mean that you have to be jealous and act like I'm pathetic." Jack opened his mouth to protest when Rian stood up.

"Let's just drop this and get ready to play, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever." Jack said, strapping on his guitar.

"You guys, seriously, forget about this during the show, alright? We don't need a stupid fight over what the hell ever to fuck us over." Rian gave them all a serious look and they nodded.

Alex bit his lip before looking at his band mates. "Can we do sound check with Papa Roach again?" he asked with a smile, hoping to clear the air with that. It must've worked though, because Zack began to laugh, soon followed by Jack and even Rian let out a little chuckle at Alex's request.

Fighting with these guys, his best friends, wasn't something he enjoyed doing, especially before a show. No matter how much of a douchebag he supposedly was he couldn't stand the guys being mad with him, annoyed, he could handle. Alex is always annoying but fights always screw with their stage presence. He took the mic in hand, guitar over his shoulders and sang the opening words to that Papa Roach song with the title he couldn't remember.

"We're good to go," Alex said once he had gotten the okay with the tech guys that their sound check was good to go. "Okay, who wants to go be crazy until our set starts?"  The band mates shrugged Alex off quickly as they put their instruments away. "Man guys, come one. Let's just chill for the hour that we have until our set starts."

Zack shrugged, "Yeah why not. I guess it'll be good to just relax until our set." Alex latched on to Zack only to be pushed away. Zack mumbled something about it being "too hot." Alex pouted. What the fuck ever. No one pushes Alex Gaskarth away; he does the pushing away, thank you.

Alex moved over to Jack and yanked on him a bit. "Come on Jack Black, come spend some time with us," he said as he looked at his guitarist. Jack smiled at Alex before slipping out of his grip. "Thanks for the offer Lex, but I'm going to spend some time catching up with Cute is What We Aim For. I've missed those guys. Maybe some other time."

Alex frowned before putting on his most innocent grin and walked over to Rian. The drummer took one look at Alex and shook his head. "Why not?" Alex complained.

"Don't whine Alex," Rian said starting to walk away from the singer.

Alex crossed his arms, "I do not whine."

"You do," Zack said as he came up from behind the man, shoving him forward playfully. "Now come on, let's go find that shade." Alex looked at Zack, his eyebrows raised as he watched the bassist walk with a sort of manly strut to his step, and he couldn't help but let his eyes graze over the thick muscles of Zack's arms, before flushing slightly.

Sometimes, Alex wished Zack would wear a shirt, it'd be a lot less distracting. He ignored the voice in his head that told him to stop lying to himself. He would never break the one rule he made when the band first started, 'do not sleep with band mates.' Right. Because that would just fuck up the entire dynamic. That argument sounded a lot more convincing a few years ago, before Zack took up working out like a maniac.

"Yo," Zack said as he turned around to look at the highly distracted singer. "Alex, where the fuck is your mind?" Alex blinked a few times before looking at Zack.

"It's not paying attention to what it should be," he told him quietly. "The VIP tent has shade, if you want to hit that up."

"Sounds good," Zack said, playfully pushing Alex. Alex scrunched up his nose and pushed him back before they made their way to the tent, having to stop a few times to sign autographs for excited fans.

"Shade!" Alex exclaimed as he spotted the tent ahead. "Come on Zack, it's shade!" He sprinted ahead, desperate to get out of the sun while Zack walked slowly behind him, letting his skin bask in the warm sun.

Alex entered the tent in a full sprint, colliding with a figure, both of them stumbling to the ground. Zack walked in and raised a brow when he spotted Alex on the ground. "Shut up," Alex mumbled. He stood up and brushed imaginary dirt off of himself before lending a hand to whomever he collided with. He got a look at the person's face and grinned, "Martin!" He exclaimed, helping the man to his feet, "Dude, I'm sorry about that."

Martin Johnson shook his head, a crooked smile on his face, "It's fine. Long time no see, Gaskarth."

Smiling lightly, Alex nodded. "It really has been a long time hasn't it?" he asked Martin quietly. "Wow, I was actually just thinking a couple days ago about how I haven't seen you in forever and yet here you are, chilling at Warped with the rest of us. Are you on for the entire tour?"

Martin shook his head as he looked at Alex. "Wish I was Lex, but I can't. We leave right after the Pittsburgh show for our own tour. Sucks doesn't it? Leaving right in the middle of Warped?"

"Yeah. It gives us a limited time to do stupid shit together." Martin laughed at that.

Maybe, it's not so bad we're leaving then. I don't need you getting me into whatever shit you're gonna be up to," He turned to Zack, "Good luck with that one," He said with a subtle nod of his head at Alex.

"Hey!" Alex pouted as he looked at Martin. "We only pull the good pranks. You know, Brownies in the gas tank and toothpaste on the van door handles." Smiling, Alex gently shoved Martin. "You had better expect a prank coming your way too."

"I would be offended if one didn't," He laughed, "Yeah, I need to get going though. I was on my way out of here before you ran into me. Klutz."

Alex glared. "I take back my apology if you're gonna be rude about it!"

Martin shrugged. "That'll just cement your douchebag status then," he said with a smirk, "See you guys around."

Alex rolled his eyes as a smile spread across his face. "That was fun," he said to Zack who merely shrugged and walked over to grab a bottle of water from the cooler. "Okay then," Alex said, huffing slightly as he looked at Zack.

"Oh stop pouting Alex," a familiar voice said from behind him. Alex turned around and smiled.

"Hey Craig," he said as he walked over to the lead singer of Escape the Fate. "God, how long has it been?" Craig shrugged before pulling Alex into a hug. "Last year's Warped tour when you showed up at the Maryland date?"

"I have no idea," Craig said, releasing Alex, "But it's been way too long." He hugged Zack and grinned at him. "I'm pretty sure last time I saw you, you weren't wearing a shirt then either." Alex laughed.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure it'll be easier to count the number of times he does wear a shirt than when he doesn't." Zack opted to ignore their teasing for a drink out of his water bottle instead.

"So what's up with you guys?" Craig asked them quietly. "Having fun with what's happening on Warped so far?" Alex nodded with a grin.

"Hell yeah," he said, smiling as he did so. "We go on in about a half hour. You coming to see us play?"

Craig shook his head. "Nah man," he told them. "I can't. I have to go help out Mark Hoppus set up for Blink. Kinda promised him."

Just then Mark walked by and smiled. "Hi Alex, Zack. Bye Alex, Zack." He grabbed onto Craig's arm and dragged him along with him.

"Looks like I'm leaving then," Craig said with a smile, sighing as he was dragged along behind Mark. "See you guys later." Alex waved and then looked over at Zack, who was playing around on his phone, probably updating Twitter. His water bottle was resting beside his feet and Alex reached down to snag it.

"Alex, no," Zack said without looking away from his phone, "Get your own." Alex ignored him and snatched the water, taking a nice gulp from it.

"I have to drink plenty of fluids for my voice Zack. Would you really deprive me of this?" Alex asked with a pout.

Zack rolled his eyes, "There's no reason why you can't get your own."

Alex took another drink of water, "Yeah there is. I'm lazy."

"You're a fucking asshole," Zack said as he shook his head.

Alex smiled at the man. "Oh, but I'm your fucking asshole," he informed Zack as he smiled. Alex paused and he looked over to two people talking in the corner of the tent. "Dude," Alex said as his eyes widened. "Is that Joel Madden and Derek Sanders? I didn't know Good Charlotte and Mayday Parade were on Warped!"

"Me neither," Zack said watching them for a moment before looking at the time on his phone, "We should probably start making our way towards the stage." Alex glanced at the time before nodding his head, "Yeah, we don't want a repeat of earlier." Alex snagged Zack's bottle of water and took another sip, earning a glare from the bassist, but he didn't care. He needed to be able to sing for their set, and Zack knew this, so he wasn't about to bitch at Alex, especially since fighting was the last thing they needed right before their set. "So," he mumbled as he watched Alex finish off half of the water. "How do you think we're going to do today?"

"Amazing," Alex stated.

"You sound so sure," Zack said, snagging his water back.

"Well that's because I am," he looked at Zack, serious, "I mean, I feel like we're just so . . . ready," he ran a hand through his hair, strands sticking up in spikes from the sweat, "I'm confident in this band. This is our time, Zack. Be positive."

"I'm still working on that one Alex. You know that I'm not a positive person, but I'll try for you." Alex grinned at Zack's statement and he knew that he was happy to hear this.

"I wonder who's going to show up for our set. Think anyone we know from Warped is going to come?"

Zack shrugged. "I think that John Ohh will make it to the show, and if Caleb doesn't, then Jack was so lying about how you two were all over each other earlier." Alex tried to fight off a blush but Zack caught it.

"Wow, is that a blush I see? From Alexander William Gaskarth? No way." Zack bit his lip to keep from laughing.

"Shut. Up. I'm not blushing, I don't. It's just," Alex finished lamely.

Zack looked unconvinced. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Haven't you noticed how hot it is right now?" Alex said as he shook his head, trying to convince himself that that was the reason his face had gotten flush, not because of Caleb or John Ohhh or any of them. No, it was because it was hot, right? Sighing, Alex looked over at Zack who was now laughing at Alex. "Shut up and let's just go play already."

Alex turned away and walked out of the tent, leaving Zack to follow behind, chuckling to himself. He felt the excess heat leave his face and he breathed; now it was time to focus because damnit all if they weren't going to fucking rock that crowd.

"Wow," Jack said when the two arrived. "It took you assholes long enough. We go on in like, five minutes. We almost thought we'd have to delay our performance because of you two." Alex rolled his eyes as Zack grabbed his bass from the tech.

"Be nice to them Jack," Caleb said from his position on the side of the stage, smiling. "I am invited here, right?" he asked Alex quietly, almost as if he was waiting for approval from the singer.

Alex bit his lip before nodding. "Yeah," he said quietly. "Sure." With that, he turned away from Caleb, resisting the urge to blush again as he toyed with the guitar that had just been handed to him, waiting for the crew to tell them they could go on.

Alex was buzzing with energy, nervousness aside. He was ready to get out there and when he looked at his band mates, he could tell they felt the same way. Moments before crew gave them the 'ok' to go on, Caleb gave him a reassuring smile backed with a thumbs up. Yeah, Alex was definitely ready for this.

When he was told, Alex ran out onto the stage, full of vibrant energy and slight shock at the size of the crowd that he was faced with. "Hey all you fucking beautiful assholes, who's ready for some All Time Low?" The crowd roared in front of Alex and he grinned. "Okay, let's start it off with the song that Jack enjoys getting it off to, Six Feet Under the Stars!" Another cheer came from the crowd and Jack swiftly flipped Alex off before they jumped into the beginning of the song. Alex sung his heart out, making sure that every word was full of passion and energy as he watched the crowd form a choir of singing teenagers who had memorized every word of the So Wrong, It's Right album.

At the final chords of the song, Alex's eyes drifted from where he had been focused on the crowd and he caught a pair of eyes that he hadn't seen yet today. Milk chocolate and warm, Alex fell into them, and that was when he knew what was going to happen to mark their first night of Warped Tour. Alex was going to get up close and personal with those eyes, that body, the irresistible taste of the one and only Pat Brown. He was fucking delicious to the eyes, and everything that Alex thought made that completely personal. Warped tour was going to start off with a bang.

genre: romance, pairing: multiple, author: lifeisafantasy2, genre: smut, author: alifeofourown, rating: nc-17, band: multiple

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