82 Bottles : Shot In the Dark

Dec 13, 2009 20:08

Title: Shot In the Dark
Summary: Sam was surprised how easily it all came back to him.
Pairing: None
Author: alienstars2004 / alienstarsfics
Beta: The lovely arglikeapirate. Thanks so much!
Series: 82 Bottles of Beer; Episode: 1.01 - Pilot
Rating: G
Prompt Table: Here

Shot in the Dark

Sam was surprised how easily it all came back to him. He opened the passenger door of the Impala and slid in with fluid ease, leather tuck-and-roll seat creaking beneath the familiar weight.

Dean in the driver’s seat was nothing new, and he looked as though he had been the only one made to drive the car, everything situated perfectly to him. Looking at him now all those years with Dad driving seemed distant and strange, like they didn’t belong. Dean belonged.

Everything about the Impala was familiar, like they hadn’t spent more than a day or even a few hours apart. Memories he didn’t know he had surfaced with each bump and curve in the twisting road.

The Impala always smelled the same. Leather jackets and leather seats, blood, sweat, gunpowder and salt; something comforting and terrifying all at once, something uniquely Winchester.

Sam stared out at the road ahead of them, light fading rapidly as the sun sank below the horizon. The asphalt was grey and cracked with age, his home for his entire life no matter how hard he’d tried to outrun it.

He wondered if the hunting life would come back to him as easily as being Sammy, Dean’s little brother, and getting into the passenger side of the Impala.

The sun dipped and disappeared completely, the sky painted in a mess of bright, warm watercolors. Pinks streaked through pale blue and light purples, the hue of a forming bruise, inched forward, all growing dimmer and darker as the minutes and miles ticked by.

The purr of the engine rumbled through the floor, the leather seats and Sam’s heart.

Maybe now it was finally time to stop running.

supernatural, 82 bottles, fic

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