Lovers 100 : Kind Friends and Companions 7/7

Dec 20, 2007 23:12

Title: Kind Friends and Companions, Part VII of VII
Summery: Theodore is lonely.
Prompt: 076. Strangers
Pairing: Grovette, Grovington, Gillington, Navyboy Threesome
Genre: POTC
Rating: R
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

Part VII:
If the door was open, then it meant he was at home.
James still felt a little strange opening the front door and stepping inside, without being asked in. He had knocked, but Theodore hadn’t answered. He waited, but found his patience did not wish to cooperate. He wanted to talk with Theodore.
“Teddy?” He called softly
He heard voices. He slowed, listening.
“I should go home…”
“Should, probably.”
“I’m rather comfortable, though.”
James peered into the room.
Andrew sighed, running his fingers through Theodore’s hair as they cuddled on the couch. He smiled when Theodore shifted up and kissed him lightly.
“Teddy…” He rubbed his back and shoulders.
Theodore snuggled into him, resting his head on his chest. “I agree… too comfortable to move.” He closed his eyes, mouth curving into a loose smile.
Andrew snorted. “You’re too comfortable, or am I?”
“You’re too comfortable for me to lie on.”
“How sweet of you.”
James looked away. He brought his hand to his mouth, rubbing his chin as he started to back away. He snuck back out of the house as quietly as he could.
He suddenly felt sick, not to have realized it before. They were such close friends; it was a natural progression. He knew Andrew’s tastes, and had suspicions about Theodore’s, before the night before.
He felt sad, as he thought of how Theodore had tenderly carried him up to bed and tucked him in, lying next to him until he’d fallen asleep, before going home. Going home to what James had previously thought would have been an empty house.

* * *

Theodore smiled as James started to pass him in the hallway, “Commodore… I thoroughly enjoyed dinner last night. I was wondering if you would like… to come to my house… for dinner, tonight…” He trailed off, voice dropping, as James didn’t look at him, barely stopping to acknowledge he’d addressed him.
“Sir?” He asked, confused.
“I… thank you for the invitation, Lieutenant Groves, but I regret to say I’m busy, tonight.” James said, flatly.
“Oh…” Theodore nodded. “All right… Perhaps, another night, this week, then?” He tired again.
“I’m sorry, I’m… I’ve other plans.” James shook his head.
Theodore watched in silence as James quickly disappeared down the hall. He turned and slowly walked back to he and Andrew’s shared office.
Andrew looked up, feeling the atmosphere change as Theodore returned. “Teddy…”
Theodore closed and locked the door behind him, coming to sit heavily down in his chair.
“Teddy, are you all right?” Andrew asked in concern, cocking his head to the side.
“James… James just…” Theodore licked his lip, “Brushed me off, I guess.”
“Are you sure he wasn’t just distracted? You know how he gets when he’s caught up in something…” Andrew suggested.
Theodore shook his head. “No… No he looked at me. He just said he was busy, tonight. And said he had other plans, all this week.”
Andrew’s brow furrowed. “I’m sure it was nothing, Teddy. James is… James, as you probably know.”
Theodore nodded, “Yes, I suppose so.”
Andrew pushed his chair back and came over to him, patting and rubbing his shoulder. “I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.” He said, in an assuring voice.
Theodore tried to smile. Andrew didn’t know what went on last night. He thought the time had once again gotten away from them, as they talked and visited, just like before.
They were quiet for the rest of the day. When evening approached, Andrew pushed his work aside and suggested that they leave the rest for the morning, and head home.
“Stasie’s been missing you, in the evenings, anyway, Teddy.” He smiled, inviting him to come back to his house, again. “And don’t think I don’t know you’ve been giving her table scraps, again.”
Theodore gave him a half-smile guiltily.

* * *

Theodore continued to fold into Andrew, more than he had before.
Andrew was worried, as Theodore had begun to act more like himself than it seemed he had in years, only to regress, again, seemingly without explanation. He secretly thought it was because James had suddenly become so distant with him. In truth, he had become distant with the two of them.
It wasn’t uncommon for James to shy away from Andrew, to retreat to his own personal sanctuary, but that was simply part of James’s solitary nature. For him to suddenly turn his back on Theodore was strange; not when they seemed to be reconnecting their friendship, again.
“Are you sure one of you didn’t say anything stupid? You both seem quite prone to doing so.”
“No!” Theodore whined miserably, falling onto the couch and pressing one of the cushions into his face. “Everything went fine…”
“Did you kick him under the table one too many times?”
“Did you threaten to skin Lane?”
“No!” Theodore jerked up, pulling the pillow away, “And’! You’re just… you’re really stretching it, now.”
“I’m just trying to figure out what could have happened. James is being more… solitary than usual. His moods usually don’t last this long.” Andrew sighed, pushing Theodore’s feet out of the way, as he sat down on the couch.
Theodore stretched out his legs again when he settled in, resting them across his legs.
Andrew chuckled, “Did you leave him with a raging… desire… in his breeches, or something to that effect?” He let his head fall back onto the couch back. His laughter stopped, and his smile faded, when he felt Theodore tense. He raised his head again, “Teddy…” He said, slowly.
“Yes, And’?” Theodore asked, trying to sound innocent.
Andrew started hard at him, “What did you do?”
“What do you mean?” Theodore asked, quietly.
“You know damn well what I mean, Theodore.” Andrew growled, sitting up straight.
Theodore shifted quickly and straightened, legs falling off Andrew’s lap.
“You… you did, didn’t you?”
“Did what?” Theodore squeaked.
“Why don’t you enlighten me, Theo? Considering you were the one there, not me.” Andrew smiled humorlessly, through clenched teeth.
“And’… And’ I…” Theodore stumbled.
“You what, Theo? What did you do? What rowdy mischief did you two get up to?” Andrew challenged.
“He… he kissed me…”
“And I take it you didn’t exactly push him away.” Andrew’s lip curled into a snarl. “Is that why you were so late coming home… all those times? Too busy servicing him under the table, while you pretended to need me…”
Theodore’s eyes were wide. His face crumpled as they started to water.
Andrew shook his head, standing. “Get out, Teddy.”
“Get out.” Andrew repeated, sharply. “I trust you know where the door is.”
Theodore didn’t need any more encouragement than the tone of Andrew’s voice. He jumped up quickly and darted out of the room. The front door slammed behind him.
Andrew sighed heavily and rubbed his temples with hard force. He wasn’t sure why he felt so betrayed. Theodore’s actions shouldn’t have hurt him. They were not lovers. He and James had long since ended their relationship. All participants were unattached and apparently willing.
He stomped heavily up the stairs, wrapping up in the blankets that night. He didn’t acknowledge Stasie when she jumped onto the bed, chirping and rubbing her head against his foot in greeting.

Theodore looked around his cold, dark house with forlorn eyes. He leaned against the wall and slid down, burying his head in his hands.

* * *

James groaned when he heard the persistent knocking at his door. He turned to the sleeping cat a few feet from him, on the floor.
“Can’t you get that?”
Lane turned a cupped ear towards him, but didn’t stir.
“Unless the fort has exploded, or you’re Governor Swann, you’d better be able to run away quickly… And’…” James stopped.
“Hello, James.” Andrew smiled softly.
“And’… what are you doing here?” James asked, stepping back, letting him inside.
“We need to talk, James.”
James nodded.
“It’s about Theodore.”
James’s breathing caught in his throat. He nodded, again, slowly.
“I know… I know that you to were rather… friendly… the last time, he was over, if not before.” Andrew said, taking a seat in the parlor.
“Andrew, I have to apologize. I didn’t know…” James shook his head, sitting down opposite of him.
Andrew laughed, “What have you to apologize for, James? Did you drug him and drag his unconscious body upstairs?”
James’s face blanched, “No, of course not! Why would I do something like that?” He shook his head vehemently. “That’s horrible, Andrew…”
“I was only kidding, James.”
“You shouldn’t say wicked things like that.”
“Perhaps I shouldn’t.”
“I feel… more than a little wicked myself, for it…” James admitted. “He wasn’t fighting me, to say the least, but I had no idea you to were involved. I never would have, if I’d realized.”
“Involved?” Andrew raised an eyebrow. “James, Theo and I aren’t lovers.”
“You’re not?”
Andrew shook his head, “No…”
“O-ohh…” James nodded, dumbly.
“You thought we were?”
“Lovers, James, you thought Theo and I were lovers.”
“Well… yes.”
“Well, I…” James trailed off. “I came by, one afternoon. Theo told me to, if I wanted. He said if the front door was open-”
“To come in, yes… he tells that to his friends.”
“Well, I did.”
“It was the day after, we’d…” James trailed off. “Did he tell you… what happened?”
“Not really… I sort of, was a bit rash with him, I think. I got angry. I said some things I shouldn’t have.” Andrew shook his head.
James’s brow furrowed.
“He’s been hurt, because you’ve suddenly gotten distant from him. I was talking with him, trying to help him figure out why you’d suddenly seemed to turn your back on him. I said something, strange and outrageous, and he got quiet. Things escalated from there.” Andrew explained.
James bit his lip. “We were both rather drunk. I fell out of the chair… and we ended up under the table… And he… he…” He mumbled something under his breath.
“It involved his mouth and your cock, didn’t it?”
“Is that why you shied away from him, like that? Were you ashamed it happened?”
“No… No, I thought… I came to his house, the day after. I wanted to see… to see if he had felt anything, the night before, like I had. I saw you two on the couch, together…” James explained. “You were kissing… what else was I supposed to think?”
“Oh…” Andrew realized, “Oh, James… I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you’d… I suppose it would only be natural for you to think we were lovers, then, wouldn’t it? What with him staying at my house, recently, too…”
“I… hadn’t gotten that far, but yes, that makes sense, now.”
“He wasn’t sick… But he genuinely wasn’t himself. He was lonely… He still is. I told him to come and stay with me, for a while. It seemed to help. And when he started having dinner with you, he seemed to come closer to the man he used to be.”
“That… doesn’t exactly explain the kissing…” James frowned.
“He got a little friendly, one day. I put a stop to it, then, knowing that it was the loneliness talking, and perhaps not his heart. I let him closer, though, because I know it was helping him. What you saw was just another day like that… He does prefer men, as well.”
“I sort of guessed.”
Andrew’s mouth cocked to a lopsided smile, “It was never farther than what you saw. I’d hold him at night, a lot, while he slept, but we never… There weren’t any other motivations, other than trying to help a friend in desperate need of it.”
James nodded.
“A little unorthodox, I’m sure, but it worked, if only for a time.” Andrew shrugged.
“Have you ever done anything truly orthodox before, And’?” James asked, in a sigh.
Andrew raised his eyebrows once, “I suppose not. Not quite my style, is it?”
“I know. I love you for it.”
Andrew’s eyes never left James’s face. “Do you?”
James hesitated before answering. “Yes.” He said, quietly.
Andrew let the silence hang in the air, surrounding them. “I love you too, James.”
James breathed slowly, taking a breath and letting it out.
“I know you’re not one for Fate. And neither am I. But there are some things that I’ve come across that cannot be ignored.” Andrew turned his head to the side slightly. “Perhaps we were meant to be together… you and I. But at the same time, we were destined not to work, as lovers.”
James started to protest.
“Just listen to me, James.”
James quieted.
“We weren’t to work, then… but then isn’t forever.”
“What are you saying, And’?”
“Perhaps there are things that do happen for a reason, James. We couldn’t be in a relationship with each other, and so we went our separate ways… But only until the right person came along, the right one to bring us back together, again.”
“To act as the glue.” Andrew finished. “Think about it, James. If we hadn’t been lovers, then we wouldn’t be who we are today; the same with us breaking it off. We wouldn’t be here for Theo, like we are now, and he wouldn’t have been able to bring us together.”
James was silent for long moments, thinking about the words his friend and former lover had just spoken. He nodded, slowly, finally, “I suppose you’re right.”
“The choice is still before us…” Andrew murmured softly, “What do we do, now? After so many years, and these past months?”
“I don’t know.” James said truthfully.
“Do you love me?”
“Yes.” James nodded. “More than anything.”
Andrew smiled slowly, “More than anything?”
James opened his mouth to respond, but stopped.
“What does your heart tell you, James?”
James looked deeply into his brown eyes. “The same that yours is telling you, And’. The very same.”
“Then the choice is made.”

* * *

Theodore sat alone. His legs were drawn up to his chest, chin resting on bent knees as his arms were wrapped loosely around his legs. He blinked. He turned his head towards the front entryway.
Andrew and James greeted him when he opened the door.
“Hello, Theo.”
“And’… James…” Theodore looked confusedly between the two, “What are you doing here?”
“Standing in the doorway, waiting to be let in.” Andrew replied smartly.
James elbowed him in the ribs. “We came to see you.” He wondered if Andrew had taken some tact lessons from Theodore.
Theodore nodded, slowly, wondering what they were up to. He stepped back and inside, letting them follow. He sat down heavily on the couch.
“I suppose you want to talk.” He said, simply, voice glum.
“Yes, it seems a conversation is in order…” James nodded slowly in agreement.
“I understand, why you’re both… affronted with me.” Theodore said quietly.
“Teddy…” Andrew’s brow furrowed deeply.
“And’.” Theodore stopped him; “I’ve been an arse lately. I shouldn’t have done that, not after what you did for me.”
“I can’t deny I played a part in it, myself.” Andrew said.
“Teddy,” James began, “I wish you didn’t think so lowly of yourself. We all have our moments, after all.”
“I shouldn’t have done what I did. Any of it. Even before this whole thing started… this… this triangle.” Theodore shook his head violently.
“Teddy, I’m the one who should apologize.” Andrew cut him off before he could speak again. “And please let me finish, before you try and take the blame. I was rash, and I hurt you. At the time, I didn’t care, because I was angry, but I never want to hurt you, like that, or otherwise, ever again.”
“You two weren’t involved, when you came to me.” James continued for him, “What happened between us wasn’t what caused me to draw away. I didn’t know you two weren’t involved, and… when I came by, one day… I let myself in, like you said I could. I saw you two, on the couch, together. I naturally thought…” He trailed off. “I didn’t say anything then, because I was so embarrassed, that I’d let myself be fooled.”
Theodore was surprised, but spoke through it: “But you weren’t.” He said, miserably.
“No… but that’s why I drew back. I didn’t want to interfere with your relationship. I assumed things, things that I now know I shouldn’t have.” James said quietly.
“I thought I’d lost both of you… and perhaps I have. Have I lost everything? Everything we had… as friends, as everything?” Theodore drew in a shaky breath, unable to continue.
“Teddy… Oh, Teddy…” Andrew stood and came to his side, wrapping his arm around him, drawing him close.
“Of course not.” James stepped up, coming closer slowly. He gingerly sat down next to them.
Theodore looked to him as he laid a shy hand on his shoulder. His brown eyes glistened.
“You haven’t lost anything, Teddy.” James whispered. “I came by to see you, that day… because I feel for you. I knew we were both quite drunk, but I still felt something more, that night.”
Andrew could feel Theodore’s breath stop dead in his throat and his heart beat wildly against his chest.
“I lashed out at you, when I found out about you and James because I was jealous.” He stated simply. “It wasn’t as though we were in a relationship, but somehow with all that had happened, it started to feel like it.”
Theodore felt constricted, held close to Andrew’s body, hot and flushed from feeling James’s warmth beside him. He wiggled in his seat.
“There’s nothing to answer, now, Teddy.” James murmured, squeezing his shoulder.
“All things are open, laid out onto the table… there is nothing left to hide. There is no need.” Andrew stroked his hair soothingly.
Theodore swallowed, closing his eyes and trying to clear his head. When he opened them again, Andrew and James were still there, beside him.
“I’ve… I don’t know. I’ve been thinking, about you both, a lot, lately.” He breathed slowly. “I’ve had feelings for you, for a long time.” He looked up, looking either of them in the eye, “I think I love you. But I don’t know what that feels like.”
James smiled kindly at him. He stroked his cheek, “It feels like the most wonderful thing you could have ever imagined… Like everything in the world is right and perfect, when you’re with that person…”
Andrew smiled slightly; remembering when he and James had first found each other. The first time they had kissed. The first time they had made love.
“You’ll do anything to be with them. And when you can’t be together, you dream about it…” He murmured, squeezing Theodore’s hand. He looked to James, “You love every moment of it… even when you know you have to do the hardest thing you’ve ever done.”
Theodore nodded, remaining quiet.
James looked down for a moment. He gently kissed his temple. “You just have to let it come… You can’t force it, even if you want to. But when you’re ready, you’ll know.”
Theodore smiled softly. He drew in a deep, cleansing breath. “I do.” He said softly. “I do love you… dearly.” He squeezed Andrew’s hand.
Andrew smiled gently. He let the silence wane for a few moments longer. ”We brought you something… would you like to see it?”
Theodore’s dark brow furrowed.
“I think you’ll like it, very much.” James nodded, agreeing. He stood and slipped off back toward the entryway. He returned with a small box in his hands. He set it down in front of Theodore.
“It was easy to distract you and bring it in…” He grinned. “Go on- open it.”
Theodore looked at Andrew quizzically, before reaching forward and lifting the lid. He leaned over, peering inside.
A small gray head appeared, triangular ears sticking straight up. A pair of speckled brown paws gripped the side of the box, and a second head appeared, facial markings matching its paws.
“The little gray one is from me… and And’ picked out the speckled one.” James explained.
Theodore stared at the two tiny kittens. “You… you both brought me… a kitten?”
“James and I may live by ourselves, too, but we’re not completely alone… He has Lane, and I have Stasie… now you’ve two of your own. One to remind you of each of us, for when we’re apart.” Andrew nodded.
“I didn’t know you found another litter…” Theodore said, reaching forward and gently picking up the kittens.
“I didn’t.” James shook his head.
“We were all over the island, trying to find some, actually…” Andrew nodded.
Theodore cuddled the little mewing creatures to his chest, “You went all over the island… to find a pair of kittens… for me?”
“Of course.”
“You’re our friend, Teddy.”
Theodore found he didn’t know what to say. He turned his eyes to the little kittens. They looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Thank you.” He breathed. “Thank you… this means, so much to me…”
“You’re very welcome, Teddy.” Andrew tucked a strand of hair behind his ear.
Theodore laughed. He couldn’t help it. He laughed until he cried, sitting comfortably between Andrew and James, the two mewling kittens cradled against him.

The End

grovington, grovette, pirates of the caribbean, navyboy threesome, fic, gillington, slash, lovers 100

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