Lovers 100 : Watch Your Step 3/3

Oct 11, 2007 21:33

Title: Watch Your Step (Part III of III)
Summery: Rain makes things slippery.
Prompt: 074. Slick
Pairing: Gillington
Genre: POTC
Rating: PG
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

Part III: (Four months later)
Andrew looked over at the knock at his bedroom door. “Come in.” He called.
The door pushed open, revealing Theodore’s tall form.
Andrew smiled at him, drawing himself into a sitting position on his bed.
“Hello, And’…”
Andrew’s brow furrowed, “Teddy… something wrong?” He asked, noticing the uncharacteristic hesitancy.
“No. I just…” Theodore bit his lip, “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
Theodore came and sat down on the bed next to him. He pushed a hand into his pocket, fumbling with something there.
“I’m going to see Mina again, in a few days… when she gets back from Lucia…”
Andrew smiled.
“…And, and I’m going to… give her this.” He pulled out a small wooden box, handing it to him.
Andrew tilted his head to the side as he took it, lifting the lid and opening it. His eyes widened. “Teddy…” He looked back up. “…It’s a wedding ring…”
“I know, we’ve only been courting for a while. It’s been six months, though, almost seven… and… and… somehow… I just know.” A slow, wide smile spread across Theodore’s face. “When you meet the right one… the one, for you… Somehow you just know.”
Andrew nodded. “Yes…” He laughed, “Congratulations, Teddy!”
Theodore blushed, “She hasn’t answered, yet… I’ve not even asked her…”
Andrew grinned at him, “I think you know better than I what her answer is. This just makes it official.”
Theodore laughed. “I… kept telling myself, to not get my hopes up, but… as you can see that’s not going to happen.”
“When does she return?”
“Wednesday. But I’m dropping this off at the jewelers again, tomorrow. Could you possibly pick it up for me? I’ve already gotten roped into a dinner party I’d rather not go to, but I’m stuck and helping out a friend.”
“Of course.”
“Thank you…” Theodore paused, biting his lip. “Do you think she’ll like it?”
“She’ll love it, Teddy- it’s beautiful.”
“She likes silver best… and I’ve always been rather partial to sapphires in jewelry…”
“She will love it. Even if she didn’t, you know Mina- she’d tell you why she didn’t like it, and what she’d want instead, but say yes anyway. It’s not the ring she’s answering to.”

* * *

James worked up his nerve. He darted out of his office, just as Andrew passed. “Lieutenant Gillette…”
Andrew stopped, turning around. “Good morning, Commodore, Sir…”
“Could I trouble you for those reports I gave you yesterday? It seems I missed something…”
“Of course. I’ll go and fetch them for you.”
James nodded. He went back into his office, to sit and wait for Andrew’s return. He nearly jumped out of his skin then the knock came.
“Come in!” He squeaked.
“Here you are, Sir.”
James waited until the door clicked shut. “Sorry to send you off like that… I was actually just wondering if… if you’d like to join me, for dinner tonight, perhaps?”
Andrew smiled, laughing quietly, “I had a feeling there was an ulterior motive behind it. You’ve never forgotten something like that, before. You could have just asked to see my in your office, you know. But yes, I’d love to. I’ve got an errand to run after duty, but I can come just after.”
“Oh, right… Yes, yes, that will be fine. I’ll see you tonight, then.”

* * *

He would tell him, tonight.
No. He couldn’t.
He had to.
But it was so hard…
It could mean the noose.
He didn’t care. That’s not why he held back.
What if he didn’t feel the same?
Of course he didn’t, what was he thinking?
How could he have let this happen?
How couldn’t he?
He didn’t exactly decide, consciously, had he?
James sighed heavily, burying his head in his hands. He didn’t know the exact day, or the exact time. He turned, and his eyes met Andrew’s, and he his heart was no longer in his hands.
It had been so many years ago, now. They had been so much younger. He was newly a lieutenant; Andrew was just contemplating taking the test himself, as was Theodore.
He had kept it secret for so long… He simply couldn’t bear it any longer. He had to tell Andrew the truth. He deserved to know. It didn’t matter if he felt the same; James knew he must speak his mind, tell him of his heart’s deepest desires.
Andrew was his friend; he would not turn his back on him.
…Would he?
At this point James thought that anything would be better than what he had been living through since he had lost his heart to redhead.
He answered the door and let him inside, where they took a seat on the couch while the meal was finished being laid out, and his maid would leave for the evening, so they could be alone.
The conversation was not strained, thought it was evident to Andrew that James had something on his mind. He wondered if that was part of why he had invited him, that night. He hoped it would at least give him some clue as to James’s strange and often erratic behavior, in the past months.
“The meal is ready, Master Norrington.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Dakotah… that will be all for today.”
She inclined her head and disappeared.
“Shall we?” James gave a half-smile and extended his hand.
Andrew nodded. He realized he was still wearing his uniform coat and shrugged out of it, feeling the warmth inside the house.
“Oh… here, I’ll take it, for you.” James reached.
“Thank you.” Andrew handed it to him.
“You can go ahead and sit, if you’d like…”
Andrew nodded.
James disappeared towards the entryway, where the coat rack was. As he hung it, something fell out of one of the pockets, clattering on the floor. He bent down and retrieved it.
It was an ornately carved wooden box.
His brow furrowed. What would Andrew be doing with something like this? The lid had slid a bit, half-opening it. He let curiosity get the better of him and nudged it open the rest of the way.
He gasped.
It was a ring. An engraved silver band with sapphires in the shape of a wave.
Andrew waited, but James did not return. He glanced at the clock on the far wall. He forced himself to wait for another few minutes, wondering what was taking James so long to hang up a coat…
James squeezed his eyes shut, clutching the box in trembling hands.
James’s back was to him when he approached. “James… James are you all right?”
James drew in a shaky breath and turned around at the sound of his friend’s concerned voice.
“I… I didn’t know…”
“You didn’t know, what?” Andrew shook his head.
James bit his lip. “I… I was going to tell you, tonight, but… i-it doesn’t matter, now.”
“Tell me what? James, you’re not making any sense.” Andrew’s brow furrowed deeply. He saw the tears glistening in James’s green eyes. “James…” He breathed. “Oh, James… what’s happened?” He closed the distance between them in a few long strides. He laid a hand on James’s shoulder, squeezing comfortingly.
“I’m sure… she’s a lovely girl.” James pressed the wooden box into his hand.
“Girl? What?” Andrew was truly confused. He looked down at the box.
“I… didn’t mean to open it. It fell, out of your pocket, and it opened when I picked it up. It’s a beautiful ring… whoever she is, she’ll love it.” James said, forlornly, though he tried to fake happiness for his friend’s fortune.
“James… this is Teddy’s.”
Andrew was smiling, grinning. “This isn’t mine… it’s Teddy’s. I picked it up from the jewelers for him, this afternoon. That was the errand I had to make.”
“O-oh…” James could only stammer.
“It’s for Mina. He’s going to propose when she comes back, on Wednesday.” Andrew finished, quietly, closing the box again. “Did you think…?”
James flushed deeply.
“James…” Andrew drew his attention back up. “Don’t you think I would have said something? If I were courting someone? Anyone? Let alone about to propose…”
“I didn’t… I don’t know. Yes. But… what else was I to think?” James said, in a mess of words.
Andrew laughed quietly. “It’s all right. There’s no harm done, right?”
“Right.” James breathed.
Andrew watched him carefully. “I know there’s something you’ve been holding back, from me…”
James didn’t say anything.
“I admit- I’d hoped that’s what you were to tell me, tonight.” Andrew said. “I’ve been-”
“I love you.” James blurted out suddenly.
“I love you.” James repeated. “I… I do. I’ve been wanting to tell you… for so long. I just never.” He stopped. “I was afraid.”
“How long?” Andrew said in a breath, though it seemed as though he was scarcely breathing.
James cast his eyes downward. “I don’t know, exactly. It’s been years.”
James nodded silently.
Andrew found himself at loss for words.
“If you don’t feel the same, it’s all right. I never expected you to. Please don’t feel obligated to… I couldn’t do that, to you. And please, please don’t let rank come into this; this has nothing to do with that, at all. It’s as far from-”
“James, shush.”
James let Andrew slide his curved fingers under his chin, pushing his head back up until he looked straight into his chocolaty brown eyes.
Andrew smiled at him in earnest. “You always did tend to talk too much when you got nervous.”
It was all that James could do to try and breathe.
“I…” Andrew drew in a breath, blinking slowly, trying to clear his mind. “I love you, too, James. It… hasn’t been years. I never… thought about it, until this past year. But, I don’t love you any less, because of it. I couldn’t believe it at first, but I’ve fallen for you… completely.”
No sweeter words had ever been spoken. James felt the tears begin to trickle down his cheeks as his lip tremble, though he smiled.
Andrew laid either of his hands on the side of James’s face, bringing them close together. He tenderly wiped the silvery trails of his tears away with the ruffled cuff of his sleeve. “Come… let’s go and sit down…” He took his hand, leading him gently away.
James followed. He would have blindly, and nearly did, as he was blind to all but the man before him as he took him into the parlor and they sat on the couch together, Andrew on the right, James at the middle.
Andrew’s smile never left him as he gently drew his fingers across James’s cheeks. He slowly worked at the pins holding his single-curled wig, until it slipped free.
A strand of dark hair fell forward, across James’s eye. He reached out and tucked it back, behind an ear, before taking off his own wig.
James reached a shy hand up, and slowly loosened the knot in Andrew’s cravat. His breath was hot against his skin. He tugged and pulled of his own, undoing the first button of his vest.
“Why didn’t you come to me, before?” Andrew asked, quietly.
James tried to look away, but Andrew held his chin, again.
“Don’t be afraid… there’s nothing to fear, ever again.”
James leaned forward, and kissed him.
Andrew pressed into the kiss. He moaned as James’s hand came up and he treaded his fingers through his hair, still tied at the nape of his neck.
They broke apart slowly, holding close, breath warming kiss-swollen lips.
James’s eyes slid closed, and he leaned against Andrew, resting his head on his shoulder.
Andrew drew him into his arms, lying back and cradling him against his body.
James couldn’t help it. He started to cry.
“Shhh…” Andrew soothed, stroking his hair. He rocked him gently. As he gazed down at James’s face, he could see that he did not cry out of sorrow, but out of joy, unadulterated happiness and love.
“Don’t cry, James…” He murmured.
“I never… thought. Never…”
“I never thought, either. But it doesn’t matter. All that matters is now.”
James shuttered with a final sob and he managed to quiet himself, calmed by the tender motions and the warmth of Andrew’s body against his own. He never realized how lonely he had been, how much he had craved this, needed it, lusted for it.
Andrew kissed the silky waves of his rich, chestnut hair. He nuzzled his cheek into the top of his head. He heard James sigh. “Content?”
“I’ve never… felt like this, before. I’m finally… finally…”
Andrew squeezed his hand.
“Finally complete.”

The End

gillington, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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