Lovers 100 : Torn 5/5

Aug 22, 2007 16:58

Title: Torn, Part V (of V)
Summery: Post-DMC, pre-start of AWE, Andrew confronts James about what’s been wearing on him. The results are not what he expected.
Prompt: 050. Relationship
Pairing: Navyboy Threesome
Genre: POTC
Rating: PG-13/Light R
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash
Feedback: Yes, please.

“I thought I’d find you, here.”
Andrew startled out of his daze at the sound of the deep voice. He gasped, sitting up straight, back rigid. He swallowed, pressing backwards into the boards of the bench.
James sighed heavily, his broad shoulders falling forward. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, that you’re fearful of me.”
“Theo told you to keep away. I told you stay the hell away from me. Why are you here?” Andrew demanded.
“I came because I need to explain.”
“I don’t want to hear your pathetic explanations.”
“I need to say them… even if you won’t listen.”
Andrew narrowed his eyes, though the glare lost much of its effect.
James’s heart wrenched and contorted at the sight of him. The bruises around his eyes had gone from a deep purple to a vivid shade of yellowish green. His nose wasn’t as swollen as it had been, but it was obviously broken, slightly crooked, as it begun to mend itself. He couldn’t believe he had done this to Andrew, his dear Andrew.
“I so sorry.” He breathed, hanging his head. “I know that means nothing to you, but please, if you listen to nothing else is say… if you can believe me, at all, after what I’ve done, please know that I never meant to hurt you. And, and I hate myself every moment for what I’ve done.”
Andrew’s tension didn’t release, but he appeared to be listening.
“I’m not involved with Beckett.”
Andrew snorted.
“Not like that, I mean. I would never…” James trailed off. He shuttered slightly, thinking of the cold and dark man that Beckett was. “I wouldn’t do that to you, or to Theo… and I certainly wouldn’t do it to myself.”
“Call it what you want.”
James ignored the jab. “When you accused me of being unfaithful to you, I lost what little sense I seem to have left.” He continued before Andrew could, knowing what the interjection would be, “That does not make it your fault. None of this is your fault. The blame lies solely with me.”
Andrew closed his mouth again, pressing his lips together. He watched James, who was careful to keep his distance, remaining planted some five feet from him.
James raised his eyes again, looking to him as he lay back on the garden bench, long legs stretched out in front of him, warmed by the sun.
“And’? Who are you talking to? I heard… voices…”
The back door swung open, revealing Theodore standing there, light look of concern clouting his face.
“I told you to stay away.” Theodore growled dangerously. He moved closer to Andrew, protectively, coming to stand at the foot of the bench.
James didn’t say anything, knowing anything he could say would only serve to further ignite Theodore’s stubbornness.
“How’s your jaw?” Theodore smiled humorously, crossing his arms across his chest.
“His jaw?” Andrew asked, confused. His eyes widened, “Teddy!” He exclaimed, “You didn’t!”
Theodore took his hard gaze away from James, softening immediately as they came to Andrew, “He hit you…”
“So you hit him back?” Andrew asked, exasperated. “I swear, Theodore, you really are nothing more than a seven year old, sometimes!”
“And’…” Theodore frowned.
“I did deserve it, And’.” James said quietly.
“I wasn’t talking to you!” Andrew yelled at him, focusing his attention on Theodore. “Why do you do this?”
Theodore’s face fell. He swallowed, looking down at his shoes, “I was angry… I just wanted…”
“I know you were angry.” Andrew sighed heavily. “But I can fight my own battles. I’m a big boy, I can take of myself, even if you don’t think that I can.”
“I never said that. I know you’re an adult…”
James watched his lovers silently, eyes slowly tracing from one back to the other.
“You seem to forget it, sometimes. I’m not the new midshipman who always got teased and picked on for having red hair, anymore.”
Theodore licked his lip. “I know.”
Andrew leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate it. But perhaps you could use your brain a little more often.”
Theodore nodded.
There was a long silence, awkward and seeming to stretch on as the moments passed. The faint sound of waves crashing on the shore echoed in quiet ears.
“If we continue like this, it will tear us apart.” James said finally.
“Haven’t you already done that?” Theodore muttered.
James looked pained. “I was never involved with Beckett.”
“My mind didn’t jump there immediately. But it is rather odd, your situation, isn’t it? How else, then?” Theodore shook his head slowly.
“How can you ask me that? How could you, both of you, think -believe- that I would ever lower myself to such a level?” James breathed. “After we’ve been friends for so many years… and lovers… Do you know me at all?” He was not accusing, as he did not wish to perpetuate the situation, merely hurt and unsure of how to respond.
“That’s just it, James.” Andrew said sadly, “We thought we did… we thought we knew you, but recently you’ve changed. I don’t know what to think, anymore.”
James’s heart sank. He hadn’t been remotely the man he was, for nearly a year, now, if not more. Since the incident with Sparrow, since the hurricane, and now, selling his soul away.
“I have the heart to Beckett.” He murmured, sinking down onto his knees, coming to sit oddly on the ground.
“James… what are you talking about?” Theodore’s brow furrowed as he shook his head, not understanding.
“The heart of Davy Jones. Whoever has it, controls the Dutchman.”
“Control the Dutchman, control the sea.” Andrew uttered.
“I stole it from Sparrow, and the letters of pardon. I did it to get my life back, to take back all that he’d forced me to loose.” James said, voice low and emotionless. “And all I got for my troubles was a false title and the position akin to a lapdog.”
Silence fell again.
“Damage done is damage done.” James said again, speaking slowly. He brought himself to his feet. “I’ve already overstayed. I shall leave you two…”
He stopped. He closed his eyes, hearing the softness of Theodore’s voice.
“Don’t go.”
James turned around.
Andrew looked him in the eye.
Theodore drew in a slow breath. “Do you think we’d let you walk away, that easily?”
“How long have we been friends, James?” Andrew asked. He gave a small smile, “Things said in a state of anger…”
“If I didn’t know you were telling the truth, there would be hell to pay.” Theodore told him. He sat down on the bench, slowly, lifting Andrew’s legs to lie across his lap.
James opened his mouth, making a small, questioning noise.
“You’ve never been a liar. Your eyes always give you away.” Theodore told him quietly.
James nodded. He remained cemented in place, though began to sway closer towards them.
“I was wrong to accuse you of such horrid things.” Andrew looked away, “I never should have said that.”
“I didn’t exactly discourage it. I provoked you.”
“Why did you hit me?”
James’s heart broke at the quiet question, barely audible, desperate for an explanation, and yet at the same time, a gentle hesitancy, an uncertainty barely concealed.
“Beckett is… You called my honor into question, my faith and love for you and Teddy…” He breathed slowly. “Everything I had lost, so recently regained. I stand on shaky ground; I can’t loose it again.”
“You never lost us, James. You know that, now.” Theodore whispered.
“Perhaps I haven’t lost my soul, after all.”
Theodore extended his open hand.
James slowly stepped forward, shoes crunching against the ground, looking between the two of them.
Theodore reached out and took his hand in his, squeezing. He brought it to his lips and kissed the back tenderly.
Andrew shifted forward, making space behind him on the bench for him to join them.
James sat down carefully and Andrew leaned back against him. He drew trembling fingers across his cheek. He pressed forward and gently kissed his forehead, and then his cheek, making sure to avoid the discolored bruising.
“Can you ever forgive me? I’ve gone and made a huge mess of things…” He asked.
“We’ve all done wrong, to each other, and to ourselves, before. To condemn you for one mistake… harsh as it may have been.” Andrew shook his head. “I wanted to hate you, I wanted to angry at you, but I couldn’t. I love you too much. Even when I thought you had abandoned us.”
“You seem to have had a change of heart rather quickly.” James said.
“I think deep inside I didn’t believe it. But I thought I was just trying to keep myself in the dark. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
“I sort of… just reacted.” Theodore admitted, finally. “Sorry about your jaw.”
“I deserved it.”
“I still shouldn’t have done it. It didn’t make things any better.” Theodore laughed once, “I suppose I’m the only one who hasn’t suffered a physical injury…”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”
Theodore cocked a dark eyebrow at Andrew, who waited a moment before promptly punching him in the arm.
“Ow!” Theodore exclaimed, hand flying to the afflicted spot, “What was that for?” He whined.
“James punched me, you punched him, I punched you. There, the cycle is complete, now.”
“But you were the one who was mad because I punched him!”
“I’m sure you’ve done something in the past that’s warranted it, I just never followed through.”
“I…” Theodore stopped. He sighed, “Yes, I suppose.” He nodded dejectedly, rubbing his arm. “Did you have to hit me that hard, though? It still hurts…”
“Think of it as payback for telling me I fought like a girl.”
“When did I say that?”
“To be honest I can’t remember if it was you, but someone told me that when I was younger.”
“Children…” James warned.
Andrew smiled. He drew in a deep breath as he leaned back against James. Theodore laid a hand on his knee, resting it there.

The End

lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, navyboy threesome, fic

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