Lovers 100 : Fetch Some Irons

Aug 11, 2007 16:58

Title: Fetch Some Irons
Summery: In the aftermath of the events of AWE, James and Andrew find they have much catching up to do…
Prompt: 024. Handcuffs
Pairing: Gillington
Genre: POTC
Rating: PG-13/Light R
Author: Rebecca (alienstars2004 / Blueberry Pancakes)
Warnings: Slash, AWE-Spoilers
Feedback: Yes, please.
Author’s Notes: Holy crap, my first cannon post-AWE fic! (If you can call that crap “cannon”)

James sighed contently from the safety and warmth of his lover’s strong arms. His eyes were half-closed as he gazed at nothing, head resting comfortably against Andrew’s chest.
It was hard to believe all that had happened. If time had any meaning or place here, it would have only have been days before when he was still aboard the Dutchman.
Perhaps being dead wasn’t so bad, after all. With each moment that passed, the ache and pain of worry and regret of what had been left behind, slipped farther and farther away. The world of the living was an entirely different one, separated from where they currently resided, though never truly forgotten.
At first it had hurt him deeply to discover that Andrew had managed to survive the hurricane, only to be caught in the crossfire in a pirate attack on his rescuers’ ship. He wished he had known what had become of his friend, his lover.
“You’re frowning, again.”
James sighed again, heavier this time. “I was thinking, about… what happened.”
“Don’t.” Andrew told him, “It doesn’t matter, now.”
James nodded. He remained quiet for a moment. “What do you think will become of Teddy?”
Andrew didn’t answer right away. “He’s not far behind.” He said, finally.
James’s brow furrowed, “He’s dying?”
“Not yet. But I can sense him. It won’t be long, and he’ll come ‘round.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve been here longer than you. You start to get a sense of what’s happening, to those you were close to, in life.”
“Could you see me?”
“I couldn’t see you, but I felt everything you went through. Sometimes, if I was lucky, and the time was right, I could hear your thoughts, or catch a wisp of your voice. It’s what kept me going.”
“Is there anywhere, beyond here?”
“No. But a soul can choose to remain, or to not.”
“What happens if you fade away, if there’s nothing beyond this?”
“Nothingness… You just fade away.” Andrew held him close, feeling him tense against him. “Sometimes it’s easier, than dealing with the pain. If you know there will be no one coming for you…”
James nodded. “I suppose it’s similar, in life.”
Andrew thought for a moment. “I suppose. If there’s nothing left, there really isn’t much point to going on living.”
“Are you sure Teddy is coming, here?”
Andrew smiled, stroking his cheek comfortingly. “You needn’t worry. He will come, it won’t be long, now.”
James bit his lip. He vividly recalled his own death.
“He won’t be in any pain.” Andrew assured him, “He knew in his heart that I was gone. He never received word that you had been murdered, but somehow, he knows.”
“Then…” James stopped. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know.
“I can’t see it, directly, but I can feel him… Give it time, and you’ll be able to feel such things, too. He’s aboard the Endeavor, no?”
James nodded.
“She won’t last to see another night. The tables have turned.” Andrew narrowed his eyes in concentration.
“How can that be painless?”
“Its all in the state of mind. He knows we’re both dead. With the Navy in shambles and the power of the East India Trading Company failing, he has nothing else. He has time to think, and knows that he’ll see peace, again. He suspects he’ll meet us again, one day, though he doesn’t know when or how.”
James inhaled. He suddenly felt a pang at his heart. He reached up, starting to rub where the wooden plank pierced through. He stopped, realizing it to be different. “Teddy…” He murmured, brow furrowing.
Andrew kissed his temple. “I told you. Just give it time.”
James drew in a deep breath. He willed peace and calm to his surviving friend, not knowing what good it would do. “He knows… I’m… with him…”
Andrew smiled, nodding, “Yes. He feels us both. That’s why he’s so peaceful.”
“Those nights… those quiet nights, when I thought I heard you, thought I felt you against my skin…”
“I was there. You didn’t feel me, or hear me, at least, not literally, but I was there, in your mind. Always.” Andrew told him. “Hush, now.” He murmured.
James complied, contented to lie back against him, feeling his familiar embrace that he feared he had lost forever.
They lay together in silence.
A slow, devious grin impressed upon Andrew’s lightly colored lips. “Now that we have all of eternity…”
James opened his eyes, looking up at him, “I have a feeling I know where this is headed…”
“Is there anything… naughty, you regret never doing?” Andrew asked, dark brown eyes twinkling with mischief.
James flushed.
Andrew’s grin only grew. “Tell me…” He urged, in a singsong voice. When James didn’t answer he continued, “We have forever, my darling… why not put it to good use?”
“What if we get caught? You said yourself Teddy was close…”
“You forget where we are. We can’t be disturbed, if we don’t want to be. I daresay if he gets here before we’re finished, he’ll find some way of amusing himself.” Andrew kissed him once, lightly, on the lips. “Now, tell me.”
James bit his lip for a moment. He mumbled something quietly and indistinctly.
Andrew couldn’t resist a smile, “I may have new and heightened senses, but my hearing is only as good as it used to be.”
“The Commodore has been… very naughty… very naughty indeed, and needs to be…”
“Thrown in the brig, or at least… immobilized.”
“And by whom?”
“I can only think of one snarky Lieutenant for the job.”
Andrew nodded and kissed him, “Very well then…” He grinned iniquitously against his lips, “Where do we begin, oh my Commodore?”
James’s smile darkened wickedly, “Gillette- fetch some irons.”

The End

gillington, lovers 100, pirates of the caribbean, slash, fic

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