*Points to Icon*

Oct 30, 2007 22:54

Well, there's...

The Good News:
Tomorrow is Halloween. I get to wear my costume to work, and I'm working all day. The pumpkin carving was a complete success. They are made of awesome. (Patterns from Zombie Pumpkins.com. (If you want access to all 155 of them, IM or comment and I'll send you my logon info. I'm happy to share the wealth.)


I am the Sea!

The shower has been cleaned, ahead of schedule.

The Bad News:
The shower is clean because I dyed my hair to give it a boost in red (I know... I'm sorry- I'm not actually a natural redhead, it just looks that natural on me... that is, when it's the normal dye.) I told deceptivemirror that I'd bleached the hell out of the shower because I'd killed someone. It certainly looked like it. EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE!!! The wall. The freaking wall. And all three walls of the shower. And the curtain. And the floor...

And on that note... My hair is CARTOONISHLY RED. I didn't use the normal stuff, the permanent dye I use, because I just wanted to give it a boost for tomorrow (as Lace, my pirate character, has red hair). I've used the Color Pulse in "Red Pulse" before- and it did not do this. Not remotely. Nooo, it was the nice rich auburn color like the swatches on the box show. I've now washed it twice. Washed the hell out of it each time. It now looks like somewhat faded cartoonish red. I'm seriously pissed. My roots do not show as bad, now, however, as they did pre-washes, but the underbits are still starkly contrasting... and I *know* I rubbed mouse into those parts- I did them bloody *first*.

I'm debating whether I have the energy to wash it a third time, tonight. Third times the charm, right? I'm at work at 8:15am tomorrow, and I'm already getting up earlier than I normally would (which would be 8am), so I can get myself into character as Lace. She's rather complicated... and a bit of a collector of random stuff to put on her belt or around her neck, or on her bodice. Or her hair, actually. It also wouldn't dry in time for work, unless I got up at 6am, which ain't happening, even if Hell did freeze over. Twice.

I've got a prompt for Fiction Writing that was sprung on us today at the end of class, nearing 3:20pm, that is due tomorrow no later than 1pm. But as I am at work from 8:15am until 5pm, I have to do it tonight. I have no idea what to write. He wants us to "take two cracks at it," which I assume means write, then revise. Thanks, John, thanks a lot. Asshole. I don't apreciate stuff like this being sprung on me at the last minute, especially for writing bits. Creativity doesn't freaking work like that.

And I'm freaking about Thesis, but that's an entirely different story, for another time.


The Hilarious News:
The shower caddy attacked me...

The first time it actually hurt, and I was annoyed. It fell while I had my back turned! And all our stuff ended up at my feet in the tub... with blood-red water all around it, from the hair dye of doom.

The second time, I couldn't stop laughing. When I tried to pick it up, it just fell apart, so I just put it in the sink over there and put all the stuff onto the counter. We can deal with it later. It's stayed put and fine for like nine weeks, now! What's the deal? Today, apparently...

I really felt like I just shouldn't have gotten out of bed, today. And perhaps I shouldn't have. Thesis went horribly... I mean, I love Blake, but we need to start focusing on our own papers, now, not on class readings that have nothing to do with them. We're the only class, besides the full-on Blake class (where everyone is doing something on Blake, so they read lots of Blake, together) that's still meeting. And we're still at two times a week, for an hour and a half. Though we did get out a bit early today. Because she was seriously pissed at us. Maybe we weren't being talkative because it was kind of early, maybe it was because we hadn't read, maybe it was because we didn't get it, maybe it was freaking because we're all flipping out over our papers and you make us do a damn two page response and read a bunch of Blake in the midsts of it and bloody expect it to be freaking good.

I'll get off the box, now. Really, I swear.

thesis, life, school

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