*Clever title goes here*

Sep 06, 2007 21:51

So I am really tired.

So, a little bit in reverse, here- these are the prompts I've got left to do. And a blurb about how they're going, and why they're annoying me. Cause I'm kind of a bit stuck. Especially on the ones I've actually started on, other than a summery/basic idea and pairing.

006. Uniform - It was supposed to be a quick little sex scene. But nooo! It's transformed itself. It's now stuck at how to start Part V. And said original scene has not yet happened yet, nor will it for at least a while longer- if I can swing it, it will indeed happen in Part V. Which then hopefully will be the end of it...
014. Leather - I've got a basic outline. Nothing else is coming.
019. Master - I've got a title, and a pairing.
028. Role Play - I've got a basic idea, two lines of dialogue, and a pairing...
030. Dirty - I've got a paragraph. A short one.
031. Wrong - I've got... a pairing. And maybe a line.
032. Top - I've got a pairing, and the basic idea.
033. Bottom - I've got roughly a page, a pairing, and the basic idea. Now it's stalled.
035. Foreplay - I've switched this one up so many times- I've now got a title, and idea, and a pairing... No actual scenes or even possibles.
036. Slow - I've got a pairing.
042. Kink - Stalled at Part III, with bits of the very end written, and the ending down but to be worked with and heavily revised.
056. Trust - A basic plot, and how to end it.
057. Pain - The pairing and summery.
063. Harness - Pairing.
066. Table - Pairing, idea, time setting, and a line of dialogue.
072. Wet - A pairing, a title and... a summery (that doesn't really have anything to do with the actual story)
076. Strangers - Also stalled at Part III. Outline, some random pieces, ideas for scenes here or there...
081. Beg - The idea, the pairing, the ending.
087. Life - The idea and pairing.
089. Toys - Present-day AU, pairing.
091. Taut - Pairing, basic idea.
094. Feather - Pairing, one line of dialogue.
095. Command - Stalled at about two pages, in the compete middle of a scene.
096. Writer‘s Choice - Toes. - Idea, pairing.
099. Writer‘s Choice - Slash. - This is that everyone/everyone one, in which I write at least a sentence of every pairing I can think of, is requested, or suggested. Up to approx. drabble length, at most.
100. Writer‘s Choice - Het. - The idea, the pairing., ...the rating...

I worked all day yesterday. ALL day. I actually got there way early, because I thought we opened at 8am, therefore there a bit early... we open at 8:30am. I think we always have, since I've been there- which Monday marked one year. Why did I get it into my head that it was 8am? Oi... But I did get to clock in early and help out. I got to count money! It's been a long time since I've been able to count money. I enjoy it. But she trusted me enough to do so. And I've also noticed that I've been getting more responsibilities, and able to do more stuff, now. Finally, I'm not the one asking everybody else everything, people are actually asking me stuff! It's way cool. I'm also no longer low-man on the totem pole.

Working again tomorrow- all day. All day Monday, too. And Wednesday. And then half a day on Friday. At least not another two hours in between my two classes on Tues. or Thurs. That was not so great...

And I got a free lunch. And tomorrow we get free dinner. Whoo, free food! Might get a free lunch tomorrow, too, not sure. We shall see. I've got copious amounts of flex points, in any case, it's really not that big of an issue, it's just nice.

I did get into drawing- thank god. I was quite close... But being a Senior Art Minor did help, though there were Senior Art Majors, and other Minors there, too. But we all got it- she went one over the cap of the class, to allow all majors AND minors in. Load off my mind...

Anyway- here be the fruits of my first drawing class! The first is a contour line drawing- no looking at what you're drawing, no picking up the pen. The second was a modified contour, where you can look, occasionally, but only draw when not looking, and you can pick up the pen and move it.

My hands:

Part of a plant, and a shoe:

They're actually some of the best work I've ever done... cause I'm not really a drawer, but, I need the class for my minor, plus it does look interesting. And so far, it's proved to be pretty fun. Sitting on a drawing horse for three hours after working all damn day, not so much.

art, school

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