Lovers 100

Jul 10, 2007 16:18

So I think I've already proven my ability to resist anything except temptation, specifically when related to writing and fics, but just in case the nail wasn't hammered in enough in that coffin, I've just taken a final tally of my Lovers 100 responses (or rather, planned responses for most of them).

I decided to just have a mixture of drabbles, ficlets, and shorter fics (please god, no huge ones...) with a mixture of pairings as inspiration struck, just to shake things up a bit. Ten prompts are finished, and I suspect I'll finish the eleventh sometime today/tonight. I'm also going to post as I go, because otherwise it's just going to get insane. And they don't really go together, necessarily, other than the prompt table, so they really are like stand-alone works.

Gillington (Norrington/Gillette): 24
Grovington (Norrington/Groves): 22
Grovette (Gillette/Groves): 22
Navyboy Threesome (Norrington/Groves/Gillette): 7
Beckoves (Groves/Beckett): 4
Sparrette (Sparrow/Gillette): 3
Belle (Beckett/Gillette; name by... crap. someone else on LJ... now I have to scoure the comms and see where that comment was...): 2
Sparroves (Sparrow/Groves): 2
Multiple: 2
Beckington (Norrington/Beckett): 1
Willington (Norrington/Turner): 1
Sparrington (Sparrow/Norrington): 1
Turnette (Gillette/Turner): 1
Murette (I made this one up- Gillette/Murtogg): 1
Gillmaid (I made this one up, too, originally it was Merette, but that was too close to Murette, so I changed it- Gillette/Mermaid): 1
Sparringette (Sparrow/Norrington/Gillette): 1
James/?: 1
Theodore/?: 1
Andrew/?: 1
Gillebeth (Gillette/Elizabeth): 1
Open: 1
None (officially) (slanted towards Navyboy Threesome): 1

And two of those are het. A whole two. And one's kinda... not so much... it's Mermaid!het, so, I don't know how much that counts. But a real het fic- Gillebeth no less... I have evil, evil plans for it, which may or may not sunrise you, depending on how much you know about me and my view on certain pairings and characters.

I've been quite absorbed in writing this past week... of all sorts. Around my essay I wrote fics like mad, pondered and jotted down notes for original bits, thought for the umpteenth time about really working on Pieces of Lace again...

I iz insane.

*looks back, counts*... why doesn't that seem to add up right? Damnit! It took me for-bloody-ever to get this count! I thought I had it... eh, you get the point. Gillington trumped all for this round, but with a close tie for second with Grovington and Grovette, because I just finished the 100 Drabbles for Navyboy Threesome, it's still on the brain, but also slightly tired of it at the moment. And then there's just me playing around, experimenting, and having my way with it fun.

fics, lovers100

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