Let the squeeking violin playing begin

Jan 23, 2006 22:31

So I got this superbly marvelous fantastic insanely genius *WONDERFUL* idea to put a song my friend Shannah wrote to music. Namely, to music to be played on the violin. Specifically, my violin. The very same violin which I used when I played in 4th thru 8th grade, and then haven't touched since, until last Friday, some six years and odd months later. That's why it's just so superbly marvelous. I'm a bloody idiot, aren't I? No, not really... well, kinda... More insane, I think.

That being said, I managed to get the first line (and also title) out: This is how it goes. And I have a good idea for the second, the third is a bit tougher at the moment, though. When I get it done, I'll scan the music sheets and post it for all your viewing pleasure. Then, when I've practiced enough and can actually play it well myself, I'll record myself playing it and also post it, for all your listening pleasure. That will be summer, I expect, though. Don't wait for that one. The writing of the music... I'm only writing when I have time and/or am bored. So that's up in the air.

Until then,

PS: I've never composed an original piece of music before, either. Nor have I tried. This just serves to solidify my insanity
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