(no subject)

Aug 18, 2008 14:22

A weird little ride.


Route:--Elev. Avg:825 ftLocation:Bloomington, MNElev. Gain:-10 ftDate:07/13/08Up/Downhill: [+416/-426]Time:02:33 PMDifficulty:3.9 / 5.0 Weather:Partly Cloudy and Breezy 79 F temp; 35% humidity 78 F heat index; winds W 21 G 33Performance

Distance: 10.07 miles
Time:1:12:56Speed:8.2 mphPace:7' 19 /miHeart Rate:128 bpm (Avg)Calories:527170 bpm (Peak)Notes

A weird little ride.Map

Elevation (ft)

Speed (mph)

SplitsMilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
Gainactual+/- avgactual+/- avg15' 35-1' 4410.7+2.5-23 ft26' 28-0' 519.3+1.1+20 ft35' 31-1' 4810.8+2.7+4 ft44' 28-2' 5113.4+5.2-13 ft53' 53-3' 2615.4+7.2-7 ft65' 34-1' 4510.8+2.6-23 ft75' 23-1' 5611.1+2.9+46 ft85' 25-1' 5411.1+2.9-23 ft94' 53-2' 2612.3+4.1+10 ft1025' 51+18' 312.3-5.9+10 ftend3' 34-3' 4516.8+8.6-9 ftVersus average of 8.2 mph

Posted from bimactive.com
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