soul_campaign App!

Feb 21, 2010 21:00


Player Name: Jessica
Age: 15
Timezone: UTC−8
Personal Journal: pepperedfox
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: robopup24


Name: Fuyuki Hinata
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Fandom: Keroro Gunso
Timeline: Post 4th movie
History: Click.

To summarize - boy meets alien, boy befriends alien, boy has wacky scenarios/adventures with alien and his alien friends. To expand a bit more since 99.99% of the show is filler -  Basically, Fuyuki is an average Japanese boy living in an average Japanese home. He used to live in another town before moving to a house in Inner Tokyo when he was little. He lives with his mother, Aki, and his older sister, Natsumi. There is almost no mention of his father in the canon. At a young age, he had always been interested in the occult and paranormal, making him a nerd of some sorts. That might have been one of the reasons why was bullied at in his elementary school, but his sister usually protected him on his behalf as they were growing up.

The interesting part, though, happens when Fuyuki is 12 years old, about to move on to middle school. To make a long story short, a race of frog-like aliens called Kerons were attempting to invade Earth and one of the members of the advance team, Sgt. Keroro, happened to be hiding out in the Hinata household. He was discovered by total accident, resulting in utter chaos.

Fuyuki did not flip out at all about the sudden appearance of an alien. In fact, he was so excited about meeting a real, live extraterrestrial that he got straight to work in making friends with him. And they still are friends, and their bond is extremely tight to this day.

Keroro did not come alone. The four other members of his platoon was found, along with their human companions. Sometime in the middle of all this mess came yet another alien who's main mission was to destroy the Earth (though she never got around to it.)

As you can imagine, having to live with four aliens who attempt to invade Earth over and over again (yet somehow miserably fail each time) can cause quite a lot of strange happenings. The funny thing about the matter is that the invaders have actually grown quite attached to their human friends, and the actual threat of an invasion is quite nil. Weirdness, though, has become a staple part of the Hinata household now, and probably won't leave for a while.

Currently, Fuyuki is living his ordinary life as a student. He's quite happy with his life, even if it can get a bit hectic at times...

Character Personality: If there's one thing you can say about Fuyuki, you can be certain that it'd be something about his uncanny obsession with the weird and occult. He's a nerd of all things paranormal and his knowledge on the subject is encyclopedic. After all, it's something he devotes almost his free time to. And if there's anything that sets off his occult radar... bam! You can be sure that he'll be there in a heartbeat if it's anywhere close to him. He loves to explore the world around him, especially if the thing he's exploring is supernatural in any sense.

Beneath all that obsessiveness, though, is a friendly and loyal boy, even if he's a bit of a loner. It's in Fuyuki's nature to see the best in everyone, be it alien or man. He's always willing to accept anyone for who they are, even if their faults are huge. He isn't very picky about who his friends are either and will be happy to be somebody's buddy, no matter what disagreements or feuds he had with them in the past. You'll rarely find him holding a grudge against another person, and even then he's quick to drop them.

Fuyuki's readiness to forgive is ridiculous as well. No matter what you do, no matter how much you've hurt him, he's always there to greet you with open arms. He's quite naive, as he believes in the idea that people can and will change for the better when given the chance.

It's rare to find him truly angry. He has an almost infinite amount of patience in him (something not too surprising when you consider that he lives with four aliens) and rarely loses his temper. But if you somehow manage to rile up his anger, which takes a lot, he's a terror, scaring the wits out of everyone around him. This only happened once in the series, though, so it's most likely that Fuyuki isn't going to explode any time soon, if ever again.

Above everything else, even above his passion for the occult, is his love for his family and friends. They are easily the most important things to him in the entire world, and he will do anything for them, even if it places his own well-being at stake. He gives them his complete trust, and will easily believe almost anything they say to him. While Fuyuki prefers not to fight, he'll do so if anyone he cares about is in danger.

Character Abilities: Without the powerful alien weapon known as the Kero Ball, Fuyuki's just an ordinary kid. He's rather attentive to his surroundings, though, and is good at picking out anything out of the ordinary. It's been mentioned once or twice throughout the series that he quite skilled as a detective. He's also a very flexible person, and can adapt to almost any situation. Living with aliens has sort of broken his 'weird-o-meter' as well, so anything strange probably won't shock him as much as other people.

Character Weaknesses: Physically, Fuyuki isn't very strong. Compared to everyone else in his class, his athletic skills are sub-par and he's also unable to swim. He's definitely an easy person to manipulate with his trusting nature, and he's easily pushed around emotionally as well.


Why your character should be a Weapon: Fuyuki would rather be the person protecting his friends rather than placing them in harm's way. Besides, he's not very strong.

What is your character's Weapon form?: A large round silver shield with a snowflake etched in the middle. He has the ability to reflect back energy based-attacks. The stronger the resonance, the more effective his reflecting skills are. He's mainly a defensive weapon, but you can swing him around to bash heads in or something like the Spartans.


Soul Description: Forgiving, naive, curious, kind, patient, adaptable

Soul Appearance: A light blue color, with a small smile and a tuft of hair sticking out.


First Person: You know something? This place is amazing!! I don't know about everyone else, but I'm really excited to be here! I mean, this place is a gold mine for the occult! A death god and witches... Weapons and Meisters... ha ha, I can't even talk right now! There's so much to take in.

I've read a few mythologies that were similar to Shibusen, but none of them have ever mentioned anything about something this huge and incredible! And to think, we're still on Earth, in the United States, in Nevada. I never thought that a death god would choose to stay in the mortal plane, but I guess it's a personal choice. But I wonder if there actually is another dimension for death gods. I mean, if aliens can make inter-dimensional portals, then death gods can too, right? If I was a death god, I'd do that. Then again, I'd want to walk among the human race to study them as well. Aah, so much choices... wait, I wonder if BREW brought Gunso and Nee-chan as well. I should probably look for them...

Third Person: Fuyuki always felt a sense of relief when the weekends came around. Partially because school was out, and partially because he could spend more time with the special, ah-hem, residents within his home. And that was the reason why he had a smile on his face as he made his way home, temporarily free at last from schoolwork and the other academic burdens that had been put on him. Maybe he'll visit the model store later with Gunso and buy some Gundams with him. The Keron had been bugging Fuyuki for the past few days about some new model, and the memory made his smile grow wider.

Just then there was a huge scream of GEEEEEROO!! Fuyuki quickly turned around, just in time to see a green blur run straight into his leg. He shouted in surprise as he fell over, wide-eyed as he stared at the frog-like alien clinging to his leg.

"G-Gunso?! What are you doing here?"

Keroro looked up, tears in his eyes. "Fuyuki-dono! There's an evil Pekoponjin monster right behind me! There, there!"

Fuyuki slowly stood up and looked over at where his friend was pointing. A dog was sitting by the stop sign, head tilted curiously, tail wagging slowly. Despite himself, Fuyuki laughed.

"That's nothing to be afraid of, Gunso. It's just a dog. I bet he just wanted to know you better."

"Yeah, to know if I'll taste good or not," Keroro whined.

Fuyuki pried Keroro from his leg and set him down. "Listen, I won't let him eat you, all right? If he tries to, I'll chase him away. Okay?"

Keroro stared at him with shining eyes. "F-Fuyuki-dono..."

Fuyuki smiled back. "C'mon, let's go home."



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