
Dec 05, 2004 16:56

Well this weekend seemed so short and blew quite a lot of ass. Friday night a Halo 2 extraveganza took place including ben, me, alex, maggie, jackie, billy and joe and then later amanda and alex came over, woop woop. In the morning ben and I woke after have our pupils burned from playing halo 2 excessively into the wee hours. Almost beat it, darrn. Well anyway, ben and I woke up, cleaned things about my house and then got word maggie and jackie were up at rodeo drive (your "cool" if your seen walking the sidewalks of le shoppes), hey by the way, why the hell did whoever developed this shopping area call it The Shoppes? The is so fucked up, first of all, if your tying to go for french you would have had to have it Le Shoppes and secondly shoppes isnt a french word, damn tahts fuuucked up. So anyway, we called joel and tried to get his lazy as over to my house so we could meet up with them so he shows up and I guess I didnt tell my parents I was leaving or trying to leave. My mom eventually let me go but then I got a phonecall from my dad telling me to get my ASS HOME! so we turned around and went back and then a full-on family meltdown, armegedon, revolt, riot took place and I used very hateful words and mucho angero. Well thats a long livejournal styled story now isnt it? Lame that shit. Well I couldn't go anywhere saturday night because of the events so I did appsolutly nothing by myself in a confined area and then fell asleep sometime. Today is Sunday and I have been sitting at my computer probably all day and it is 5:05 pm right now. Now for les images:

That is a Maggie sandwich.

Thats Alex on the phone with a 90% chance of it being Mary.

An oldy but a goody, SHROOM DOOOOOM!!!!!

Taylor Fedt expressing his opinion.

Ian being a supermodel.

Yeah well I have to leave now because HL2 is almost done downloading!!! YAY!!!
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