(no subject)

Oct 25, 2004 21:42


every once in awhile however, I have what's known as a "bright idea". but, very rarely do I ever make it happen. "in the head" is always better than "written down" and "written down" is always better than "on television". but, it's so easy to flip the switch, turn the dial, sit down and kick one back. (it should be noted that "kicking back" often gets in the way of the "bright idea"). perhaps that's just the way of the "bright idea". perhaps that's just in my case. pehaps not. either way my "bright ideas" rarely see the "light of day" and no, that was not meant to be a reference to michael j. fox, but I can see how one might draw that conclusion. that said, spontaneity is so very important. yet, had it not been for the likes of raymond chandler, russell banks, neil gaiman, elmore leonard, phillip k. dick and woody allen, to name a few I may not have developed as quick a wit as some believe me to possess. little do they know, I still require the assistance of a dictionary to look up the big ones.
(wirtten between the hours of 9:21pm. and 9:31pm. in toronto, ontario on october 10th 2003 in the basement of the kathedral)
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