Blob of Spiffiness

Dec 21, 2008 01:27

The semester is over, thank goodness. I had dickens of a time wrapping it all up, but that happened at the beginning of this week. I will endeavor to remember to not take a full load any time that surgery is scheduled. Tis Not a Good Idea, if you are me.

Now the fun part of deciding which classes to take next semester.....and finding a job. Have an application in, and need to work on several others.

I painted the kitchen, and it really looks classy now. Overall I'm quite impressed. For anyone who has seen my kitchen, the walls are now a creamy almond shade that harmonizes with the cabinets and the pink (!) countertops. They are now not the first thing you see, somehow. There are some small bits of touchup, and the trim to do, but the walls look good. The next big project will be 'doing something about the floor'. While I was at it, I painted the half-bath upstairs as well. So it is also on its way to spiffiness. Just need to get the sink installed and (once again) do the trim.

My current project is to paint the room that was sponged.  When I was 20 or so I painted that room a purple and blue mix.  It was....interesting.  Now I’m trying to decide what color besides blue would look good with the furniture, and wood floor and white trim.  I’m a bit tired of painting things blue, but its such a good color.... (gray won't go with the furniture, which is everything from light pine to dark stained; and I don't do green on the walls--its a family thing).

I have several books checked out from the library on the subject, and I guess I’ll just have to find something I like the looks of and choose it.

I made a kasekuchen, or german cheesecake, this evening.  I didn’t read the instructions thoroughly, so I’m waiting impatiently until tomorrow when I can try it and find out how it did.  (If the font does weird things, I'm not sure whats up either.)

So, if anyone wants to drop by tomorrow and partake, sort of around a late lunch, you're invited.  I'll make up some chicken stew and make mulled wine (or grape juice--its good too!) and we can have a grand time.  If you have my number and know where my house is, then just give me a call and I'll know how many biscuits to bake.

painting, school, kasekuchen

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