Jun 30, 2009 22:10
Key: * = one I want for my library, + = would recommend to a friend, :) = already own and like/love
The Epidemic: the rot of American culture , absentee and permissive parenting, and the resultant plague of joyless, selfish children by Robert Shaw, MD
*Requiem for a Lawnmower: gardening in a warmer, drier world by Sally & Andy Wasowski
*Month-by-Month Gardening in Florida by Tom MacCubbin
+Poisoned Profits: the toxic assault on our children by Philip & Alice Shabecoff
+Go Green, Live Rich by David Bach
Florida Gardening Month by Month 3rd ed by Nixon Smiley
*Weedless Gardening by Lee Reich
The Southern Gardener's Book of Lists by Lois Trig Chaplin
*Kitchen Playdates by Lauren Bank Deen
The Green Guide to Herb Gardening by Deborah C. Harding
Herbs and Spices for Florida Gardens by Monica Moran Brandies
*Perennial Vegetables by Eric Toensmeier
The Splendid Grain by Rebecca Wood
The Hassle-Free Host by Christopher Lowell
:) All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholemew
:) Practical Small Gardens by Peter McCoy
*The Spice Merchant's Daughter by Christina Arokiasamy
Living Longer Depression Free: a family guide to recognizing, treating and preventing depression in later life by Mark D. Miller MD & Charles F. Reynolds III MD
Take Care of Your Car The Lazy Way by Micheal Kennedy & Carol Turkington