and i don't mean that in the nice way either! :-/
so we had a birthday party for 2 of the 3. beastie #1 turned 4:
beastie # 2 turned 3:
beastette is a swinger:
the others like being cellies:
but i'm still not sure who had more fun: grandpa, beastette or my mother's walker...
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it was 104 degrees that day, but thank goodness there was a brisk breeze or i would have stayed home! me + heat= not going to happen! LOL
darling daughter & her GF came up. fun! my mother wrangled herself an invite (after i said NO...but the DD is a soft touch...) to my house for our after party drinking party & grilled steak dinner. pretty much went off without a hitch or her (mother or DD, you choose) being too annoying, probably because i kept the blender going. '->