October so far

Oct 08, 2006 22:58

well really this weekend.

we're going to go backwards in time (yes i can do that)

Today (Sunday)

I went to becca's to try to "fix" my costume (read saturday's to figure out why)

I was working ladder climb and lost my temper. i know it's not good, but i didn't yell at anyone or hurt anyone like i wanted to. It was really busy, every ladder was full, people waiting in lines for every ladder, people shoving money in my face, and i was explaining the rules to people, and this ASSHOLE kept interrupting me going "Show us a demo" me: "no sir, i can't" "Why not, show us how it's done" "Sorry sir, i can't" *now getting an attitude with me* "Just show us a demo" *me starting to get frustrated* "No sir, i can't" *now having a HUGE attitude problem with me* "Why not, show us a demo" *me glancing at him, giving him a dirty look from the corner of my eye, still watching the ladders, then pointing at the people around me* "it's a little busy" then i was explaining the rules LOUD so EVERYONE could hear them, and this guy started to climb, a bunch of people in my personal space, trying to watch ALL THREE ladders, two kids intrupted me to ask the price (it's on the sign) and that asshole still going at me i just went "UGH" and dropped the toys i had in my hand in the bucket and everyone except for the asshole backed off, he was still there asking me to show him a fucking demo.

then earlier today i was working the line and this kid popped two ballons with one dart and it says on the sign you can't do that, and it only counts as one pop, and i told him and the mom was like "That's not fair" and i told her "no ma'am it's not fair to us if that counted as two pops, because that's cheating us out of money" and she just gave me a dirty look, i wanted to tell her to go to hell, but i didn't, the kid was nice.

oh and these parents apparently told their kids that Fiesta Texas was over ran by monsters and this little boy was like "You told me the park was overran by monsters but they're not monsters" and he pointed at Joseph and I and i told him "It's because we have monster replent, the park is overran, but if you have monster replent they stay away from you" he said "really" "yeah" "really" "yeah, you better watch out if you don't have any on, they might get you and turn you into one" "REALLY?!?!?!?!" "yeah" (lol it was great, like the highlight of my day)

I bought cups this morning for three of the four people who didn't have a cup, because i was tired of them using other people's cups. (well one girl) they were 3 for a dollar (that's why i only got three), they better use them, or i'll be sad.

Yesterday (Saturday)

When i got home i saw that i FINALLY got my costume, and i tried it on, it shows my butt, like hardcore.

I worked. and it was a pretty good day, long, but good. oh i thought this little girl was on crack because she told me "I think the warewolf gave me fleas" and i was like "oh i'm sorry" but thinking to myself "she HAS to be on crack" then i remembered fright fest = monsters


Hung out with AJ, and it was WONDERFUL

When we were walking back to the party there were these two girls and a little boy and a car past and they started yelling to the cop on the bike "That's him that's him" and the cop started chasing him, the car hit a truck, and obviously bicycle vs. 2002 Couger, the couger's going to win, so he got away and we asked the girls what happened and it was apparently one of the girls boyfriend and he beat up her cousin and yeah she was a little freaked, so when we were looking at the damage the the car caused to the truck it hit i talked to the little boy to find out exactly what happened, and this guy deserves to be shot, is all i have to say and apparently if they caught him we can't hold him because he's illegal.

we left the party and we walked around first friday for a bit. i saw heather z. (well she saw me)

we went to this party down the street from first friday with his mom, and they gave us chocolate penis(es).

we finally finished watching the Godfather.

basically it comes down to I love AJ so much. and work pisses me off sometimes.


RENEE NAE will be 19 in less than 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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