my life recently

Sep 27, 2006 22:22

i have been soooo stressed it's not even funny.

I'm trying to pull off at least a 3.2 GPA while taking 15 hours, and it's not working.

When i study i get so distracted. I'm having so much trouble in my English class, i'm not an English person at all.

I slept through my geo class on more than one occasion, and i LOVE that class.

I try to get A LOT of sleep at night but either i can't sleep or i get to much, i don't know what my deal is.

I'm gaining weight again, well at least i think i am, i need to start going to the gym again.

My emotions are being screwy, i don't know if i'm supposed to start soon or what.

i really don't have a social life, the few occasions i get to hang with my friends are charished.

My birthday's coming up and i have a problem, one of my friend's wants to throw a party for me but doesn't want to invite some of my other friends.

I'M TIRED OF MY FRIENDS NOT GETTING ALONG, CAN YA'LL PLEASE PRETEND TO LIKE EACH OTHER FOR MY SAKE. seriously guys do ya'll know how annoying it is to want to hang out with all my friends, but can't because they don't like each other.

My hair is going to turn gray soon i swear.

Speaking of my hair, i'm ready to cut it all off, it's becoming too much trouble, i have friends and a boyfriend who smokes, the other day i was hanging and the wind blew and my hair went into a cig. don't get me wrong, i still want it long so i can give it away but it's pissing me off so much now.

i keep worrying about things that i have no control over.

i called in last weekend because i was at a family reunion and realized i don't like my family.

Today at school a guy came up to me and asked me to help him for a broadcasting class and told me all i had to do was a survay and i answered all his questions and he was like "okay so how many magizines would you like to buy" and i was like "what" and he was like "you have to buy magizines to give me points" and i was like "okay" and i bought them and this girl in my english class told me to check my reciepts because that same guy cheated her out of money, and i did, he cheated me out of $16 and i don't know how i didn't notice. but i found him and got $15 back, but now i'm canceling and getting all of my money back. i hate people like that.

positive things now

A.J. got a job at Toyota, which is awesome, i'm so proud of him

A.J. and i are still good, even through all my stress, i felt bad i snapped at him today, but he was okay with it, i appoligized, but he understood, told me i shouldn't be so stressed though. He's so great.

my dad said "A.J. seems nice" tonight (which guys trust me is AMAZING)

I hung out with Andrea last night and she told me something about Paul that made me laugh so hard i started to cry.

i like laughing so hard i start to cry.

on monday my back didn't hurt to bad.

yesterday i went to the soda machine to put a dollar in and it wouldn't take it, so i was like "well i'll get a gatorade, i have $1.25" and i pressed the button and TWO gatorades came out, so i gave one to Becca.

Ohh and yesterday becca found my keys.

i realized today that i need to figure out who's running for everything and find out their stands and views on things and start to make my decision for November (i want to vote right)

people keep talking to me in cars, it's funny (ya'll already know i think it's degrading when they whistle but they're talking) but the best one was the other day i was talking to Becca in the car and she was like "those guys are trying to talk to you" and i laughed 'cause i thought she was joking and looked over and they really were, they were THREE lanes away and this is how it went.

guy in truck: hey
me: hi
g.i.t.: my friend want's to know you're name
me: Kathy
g.i.t.: My friend's name is ___ (i don't remember his name)
me: cool
g.i.t.: My friend want's to know if it's okay that he doesn't speak English.
*light turns green*
Becca and i: laughs uncontrolably

yesterday same place different guys

guys in truck: hi
me: *playing with the radio* hey
*time goes by, i'm still playing with the radio*
guys: you're very pretty
me: *laughs* thank you
*light turns green*

yeah i think it's funny

well i'm going to study i might write more later.
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