Do I still really need to prove it? It hurts ya know. It hurts my kokoro. Hm. I've seen papapics of them in the airport and fancams of them from the airport.
I really wish they'd come here on the way back to Japan. Pleeease ; w ; and can it be free too, please? I don't have money and will never have. Every material I have is from the internet and will probably be from the internet forever. (I kid, but my parents are quite strict and they don't want me to use my money on useless things but I don't think they're useless.)
anyways.. Congrats to you Thai fans. You got your wishes. If only I had money I'd go buy a plane ticket to Thailand and go there before March 3.
I'll just enjoy that feeling that I know you guys are closer.. that you're somewhere nearer... that you're just in one of our neighboring countries.
:DD I'll be..... HWAITING! AND MAYBE IPON-ING lol :DD ♥ ☺