*Grins and gets a drink*

Oct 14, 2009 21:01

Well, another job well done, don't you think, Rose? :D

Now we really can do some sightseeing.

I assumed (incorrectly) that these beings (let's call them the Dleybron, since that's their name) were running away from us because they were scared. Possibly I have over-estimated the extent to which "Time Lord" is considered something to run away from in a universe where they never existed. Oh well. Rose just laughed and said it would do me some good.

Anyway, like I said: I assumed incorrectly. They'd packed up their operation, sure, but they weren't scared, they were angry! Fortunately for me, they should have been scared.

Basically, they were taking these children and running some interesting, if rather immoral, tests on them. Fairly standard stuff, so I think the kids should be all right in a bit. Physically it should take them a day or two to recover, and their parents should have snapped out of their happy-trances by now, so they'll have some support.

Well they sniffed me out as a threat straight away, so came looking. Their mental powers are limited, so they couldn't hurt Rose, they just put her in a bit of a daze. That was when I knew they'd got closer. I'd already warned Rose that protecting her for an extended period of time would basically take me out, so I did the best I could and told her I was going shopping to buy dinner and she should stay in the hotel room. And I left a note. A note staying "STAY HERE", which was, if I say so myself, a stroke of genius. Fuzzy-Rose would just read the note and go and sit on the bed and forget about it and stay safe. If she got to the stage where she was fighting it off (as she did) then she'd read the note and promptly come running.

It actually worked rather well, since when they were getting around to trying to vapourise me, she appeared and smacked one around the head with a golf club. Very resourceful, is Rose. :D

Two of them died, and for that I am sorry. The rest agreed to scram, which is better than it could have been.

Now I think we need a bit of time to relax, don't you, Rose? Sushi? :)

And one final point to those commenting in my previous post: Time Lords have a completely different biology to humans in some respects. For a start, the women are never menopausal, so the men certainly aren't, so stop making suggestions about why I might be slightly cranky when I'm trying to fend of child-kidnapping aliens.

being married to rose makes me happy, rose and i should hug more, rose and i should kiss more, human-like adventures, rose is brilliant, tyler^2 detective agency, the doctor and rose = team of awesome

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