(no subject)

Dec 27, 2004 13:23

After working 18 hours straight yesterday, and sleeping for 10 hours afterwards, I'm still feeling a little bit "not together". I wonder what that's about?

Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike my new assistant manager? Not just the fact that I've covered 2 of her shifts in the last 2 weeks--causing me to work some ungodly hours, but also the fact that she's a gossip, a whiner, self-involved, and just plain lazy. If I haven't, well, you now know one of the reasons that I walk around perpetually pissed and mad at the world. There are other reasons....but I don't have time to get into a psychological study now. Guess why? I have to go back to the work in 30 minutes or so. Blah.

I scheduled myself a vacation in 3 weeks. I know...I just took one like, 2 months ago, but I need another. The only bad part about that is that I'll have to wait until August to get another vacation. But, the good news is that in August, I will be eligible for 3 weeks of vacation, because I will have been working there for 5 years. 5 years....wow. That's some dedication to the customer service industry.

In other news, the snow here is still piled up above my knees in places. Unfortunately, my street happens to be one of those places, making it nearly impossible to get in and out of my apartment building. *Note to the snow plow people*....just because I live in a ghetto-ized area doesn't mean that I, or the other people in the building don't own cars. We do! and we'd like a clear street sometime before March please. I promise, we won't shoot at you from behind the bushes. Now, I can't guarantee the same promise from the crackheads in the building next door....but that's just the chance we'll have to take, isn't it? There's only been one shooting on this street this year... so stop being a bunch of weenies and get your big fancy trucks over here. Okay? Thanks.

Due to the snow, I didn't get to go home for the holidays. I can say, without a doubt, that my mother was not happy about that one. I will probably be enduring her ride on the guilt trip for months to come. The road that I needed to be on was impassable for shit sake. The state police decided this...not me. What did she expect?...that I would walk? I don't know. But I do know that there was alot of complaining about the fact that there was alot of food, and "what were they going to do with all of it?" I don't even eat that much. Eat it yourselves, or take it down to the homeless shelter and donate it if you're that freaking worried about it taking up space in your fridge. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, and would do anything (besides drive in a foot of snow) for them, but they are, unequivocably, the most dysfunctional bunch of people on the planet. I know that alot of people think that about their families, but just visit with mine for a few hours, and you'll be changing your tune.

Well, it's much later than I thought it was, so I have to get going. Wish me luck on my skid out of the parking lot onto the street. ;) God help anyone who is parked out there.
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