For oncoming_storms Prompt 104-2

Sep 18, 2009 14:45

How do you approach prompt writing with your character? Eg Do you have ideas and then find a prompt to fit them or are you inspired by the prompt? How much does having a deadline make a difference? How many more would you write if there was a direct feed from your brain to your computer?

For Toshiko, it varies from prompt to prompt really. There have been times I have had ideas that I’ve just had to write, to get them down on paper quickly, then have gone through lists of prompts to try and find one to fit. The frustration sometimes as I look for just the right prompt is amusing, well, certainly to me.

More often than not though, I’m inspired by the prompt itself. I look at the list, be it here or at any of the other prompt communities Tosh is part of, think ‘ooooooooo’ and start writing from there. Though depending on what I’ve written lately, I will try to write something ‘different’. Sometimes I need a kick, though. I need to create AUs for her, can’t be just about canon, after all (hint hint, if anyone wants to rp/work with me, I’m up for interaction!).

Deadlines to help me. I’m currently writing a fic for femgenficathon, and knowing that the deadline is coming up is a great focusing tool for me. I try not to leave everything quite till the last thing, but you can guarantee I won’t get it done in the first half of the allocated time!

I don’t know if I would write more if there was a direct feed to my computer from my brain. I’m one of those strange people who actually enjoys writing longhand. I do my best writing on trains, for instance, or stupidly, late at night while sitting up in bed. I have the pens I like, I have the notepads I like (bottom line, I spend way too much money in Paperchase), and I can happily write 1000 words long hand in about 45 mins just before bed. I have no idea why, and it irritates me at times (and my partner, actually), but it’s just the way I work.

Toshiko Sato
Word Count: 311

oncoming storms

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