Biking galore

Apr 21, 2008 09:22

Well, I did it. I feel wonderful. On Friday, I biked approximately 47 miles in one day. Took me 6 hours, and I have the coolest knee braces "farmers tan" to hit the runways sine Rue Paul! Then we camped out all weekend in Bland County.

I took a crapton of ibuprofen to help the knees, and am grateful I did. My knees didn't hurt at all until much later when the ibuprofen wore off, then I just took one more dose, and they were fine.

The weather was beautiful on Friday, but it rained off and on Saturday and Sunday morning. That part wasn't fun.

I'm happy I did it. I feel that I can do the 5-day ride in June, with just a little more training. It's an awesome feeling.


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