Nov 18, 2008 14:57
I'm feeling physically crappy today. I feel slightly sick, my head hurts and I'm very fatigued, and it's all a bit annoying. And partially because of this I'm feeling a little down again, especially as I have nothing to do really.
Yesterday though I got quite a bit of writing done for my majorly failed Nano project. I'm up to about 8200 words which although is no where near whatever I'm supposed to be at I'm proud of considering the rough time I'veh had recently, and the fact I'm literally making it up as I go along. Just yesterday I introduced a cult who believes the planet is a defective computer program and is waiting for the great recall. It's all very strange.
I briefly stopped by to Coventry on Saturday to pick up a few things. I got to see Jenny which was nice as I've missed her loads. It was weird being back and kind of made me wish I was there longer. I'm really really missing there again especially as I feel cut off again, it's been a few days since I've talked to anyone. It's a bit lame.
I really need to decide what I'm doing about all this.
But anyway in other news I had a nice email yesterday from PayPal. Basically it was 'you haven't used paypal in a while, have £5!'. So I ended up buying a book off of eBay called Yes Man by Danny Wallace. I've read it before, but last time I did it filled me with one of those feelings where I'm inspired to do something amazing and felt I could do with something like that right now. There's also a film version coming out based loosely on it starring Jim Carrey. It looks good, but not like the book enough. We'll see. And then I brought another book off of Amazon cause I was feeling spendy.
Going to try and do some more writing but the scene I'm working on doesn't want to come out of my head so I'm going to try and force it a little to see if I can break through.
creative - writing,
mood - ill,