Jun 05, 2008 22:06
Okay so it's that time of the year. Big Brother. I mentioned it earlier and so here is my live 'first reactions' of everything that's happening.
The House
How will it be decided who sleeps where? I mean the sexy bedroom and the uh... barracks. That's going to cause fights... or sexy time. We also have the 'token' system which seems slightly irrelevant other than depriving them of food. Nice open bathroom, lets hope we get some eye candy to get naked in it. I didn't say that. What? I fricking love the diary room and the house exit. It's a big improvement over just being random doors. Oh look and advert for Team America. Watch it! Ahem anyway. Love the logo. It's way good. As for the no tolerence... well we remember last time Big Brother was evil we got the literal house divide.... ugh. Davina was being a bit of a whore in the tour... hey it rhymes. Ah housemates!
Mario and Lisa
A couple? Outside of the Jade Goody fiasco in Celebrity BB we've never had this. And he's really ugly. And they seem annoying. Evict them now! Okay maybe not. What's with the Mr. Men T-Shirt craze anyway? I don't like them. I think we need some better contestants. He's not even Italian! Haha boos. Glad the crowd agrees with me. They're easily impressed.
Oh gees, he's ruining students AND suits. And his accent is quite annoying. Hope he gets laryngitis. Glad he's not gay. He needs to get laid. Wow the crowd are just booing everyone. Give him a pint. Oh no wait he doesn't drink. Politics students. Who'd have them? He's going to piss the first two off isn't he. I can't believe we're spending 93 days with these people... I hope we don't get a geeky winner. Sick of that!
Ah the first quite self involved supposedly attractive young girl probably desperate for fame. Thought depending on which way she goes she good be entertaining or she could be moany and annoying. As long as we don't get another Chanelle. Haha 'the most significant event in her life was her birth'. Fair enough. I'll hold judgement but initally probably 'eh'. Bet Mario flirts with her. Bet Luke does. And fails. Aww. I made myself feel sorry for him. 4 Northerners? If I didn't date one I'd offend the north right about now.
Handing over to Big Brother...
Ah they are being told to go to the Diary Room already. Haha they're talking about the Twins. Amusing. Haha Lisa getting her dress messed up. Haha Big Brother slipped up. He's fired. Yay, a secret mission! Oh I think I like the way this is going. Yes. Haha Mario and Stephanie. Amusing. It would be funnier if Luke and Lisa had to but that would be mean on Lisa... hmm I think I want them to fail because I want one of them to leave. Stephanie doesn't like it. Haha he's 42 to her 19. Are they trying to break them up? That would be fun! Okay we're back.
Trainee teacher? First impressions is she shouldn't be near children. She could be fun or annoying... lets see. She definitely seems like she'll be there a while. She speaks to herself and that's always fun. She seems the most normal so far as in she's just chatty and not warped. If not a little energetic. Calm down love! Hey first not to get booed... as much. Why do people just boo? She's an actress apparently! Uh oh... catholic... but she should be nice. Hey she does remind me of the Sex in the City girl. I saw the movie last night. Never really seen it before... but I'm digressing. She could win on first impressions.
Unfortunate name. Dale Winton... he must have got ribbed for that. Unfortunately he's quite attractive but an arrogant twat. He'll go for Stephanie you can tell. Annnd he just got fired. Oh god he's going to do badly... why'd he have to be quite fit. Lets just hope he gets naked a lot to balance out his badness. Doesn't have a good chance of winning. Haha currently his wikipedia reads '21 years of age and is not picky when it comes to choosing vagina'. Made me laugh.
Haha. I love the Big Brother audition people. Terrible name, terrible fashion sense. But she has a backstory worthy of a film character perhaps. She won't win but she won't fail a lot. Though it depends how things pan out.
Oh freaking god no. I didn't need to see that. He's gonna annoy the hell out of me. And dances terribly. He looks like Matt Lucas with hair. Ie: not good. Oh freaking god. Why? WHY?
He's blind? Oh that's not going to go well. He seems a bit boring. He better not win because he's blind. It make's the show boring. His clothes are unique... mmm... reserving judgement but like I said... he better not win. He's being lead down the stairs! I bet someone will call this insensitive. It kind of is though... ooh I don't like it. Mario is pushing the couple thing.
Reminds me a little of Charly from last year on the first thoughts! They sure do like mmmhmm young black women. Had an abortion at a young age... that'll piss off our two Christians perhaps. And she's a muslim but not practising. They wouldn't put an actual one in because that would make it all racist I'm sure... as the crowd are possibly being now. That's always good. Gotta love racism.
Apparently no one likes him. Let's see. Has good style at least but not really what I'd call attractive but that's fine. Hey his dad's gay. Aww apparently he's shy. Didn't actually seem immediately unlikeable but if people don't like him... we'll see. Okay I thought I lost my entry then but it's okay. It's fine!
Again quite a colourful background. And is apparently a terrible muslim. He has an afro. Haha. Afros are funny. He didn't actually say much so I don't know.
Well I can't understand her at all. Haha Vicki Pollard. I should have seen that. But she could be quite nice. But this is all editing anyway. Be she seems bubbly and quite nice but I can see her arguing for some reason. Keeps revealing herself to us all... more clothes please! Time for a break. Woo. This is all a bit overwhelming! I need a drink. Water that is. Apparently she's from Coventry... Three more housemates now I think!
Is that an albino? Well Channel 4 seem to be quite... well you know what I mean. I think he'd be black if he wasn't white... which makes no sense. Seems quite nice though. Could be fun. Let's see! No one can pronounce his name!
Part time model? And yet all she's talking about is the housework. She could either be good or bad, like most of the so called 'pretty girls'. I would lean towards argumentative... oh yes there's some controversial views. That'll do her well. Oh yes. Another Catholic? Hmm... I thought she looked like Cheryl Cole too! I hope she's as fun. A fear of tomato soup haha. Lets see how she turns out. Oh I had forgotten about Dennis. WHY. Argh. One more...
A fat Aisian! I didn't think they existed! She seems amusing. And a little oompa loompa like. She does like her food. Oh that pink outfit... my eyes! I could go for a Thai green curry now... mm.... I love those. She has cookies... I want cookies. Haha wants to be reincarnated as a Pokemon. Love it. But what is she wearing? That other girl needs to stop screaming. Oh she's the one from Coventry... darn.
So overall there's one fit one and he's an idiot. Maybe I'll just go 'woo stylish Rex'. Pfft. Lmao... they're going to get married? HAHA oh god I love this show. Screw people's perceptions! It's great! Let's see how this turns out. It's funny... the longest entry in ages and it's about Big Brother.
tv - big brother