the greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

Nov 10, 2007 23:30

To start at the end may seem a stupid thing to do but alas it is often necessary for the sense of an exaggerated narrative. For to start this entry with a traditional 'So, I haven't updated properly in about 9 days' is rather old and in this thing has been done to death. I don't quite know why I'm typing like this but feel free to bear with me as I've got a lot to get out of my head. I have vague intentions of a life update, and thought update and an ever so important 101 in 1001 update. The life and thought update will be in this entry and a 101 update will come in the next few days complete with a slight list re-jig.

But okay so back to the end. I sit here after watching Moulin Rouge and anyone who's ever read a post-Moulin entry knows I end up gushing about something a little bit funny, you know, that feeling inside. It's just not something I can easily hide. And to stop quoting 'Your Song' (which a certain Barrowman will be performing at Friday's Children in Need which is just full of the awesome) it's made me feel all kinda like I need to spill about feelings and things. But lets start with some facts. (I can't believe I've wrote two paragraphs while saying nothing about my life.)

Anyway last time you left me it was approaching Friday. Now nothing ever glamorous ever happens on a Friday so we'll gloss over that with a big yawn and head straight to Saturday. Saturday I decided to gay it up in Birmingham. It was fun. This night included bad bad transport. Buses are stupid all right? As are people who miss trains. 5 people got on a train and it left as the rest were fannying about. And so we had to wait for them in a pub while a drunk guy 'sang' (read: made odd noises) Celine Dion. And apparently he smelt of urine. But I wasn't paying attention. So we get to Nightingales and had fun. It was weird at first but we got into the swing of things and by that I mean I drank too much and boogied the night away. We got to see both Boney M and some guy off of X Factor. Not sure who he was but he was half fit but couldn't really sing. But I know you're jealous anyway. Also I was so drunk I pulled my 'lesbian' female friend. But enough about my facebook pictures. Cough. But it was a great night out and all in all a good time.

Sunday was the Exec Meeting Of DOOM (TM) where we had too much to talk about and people like ranting apparently. I just wanted to buy a Wispa and go to the quiz. Both eventually happened and we also came 4th in the quiz this week (Team Name: Broccoli which holds significance to but one person and named by Pam) so we won some cake. It was good cake.

Now this is where my social life kicked off a bit. Well, by social I mean 'anything but academic' as academia suffered a loss in the form of me accidentally sleeping my way to an unentitled reading week. I went to two hours of stuff this week. But anyway.

Monday I attended a Firework display at Butts Arena. Okay yes, have a giggle. But it was quite good, had fun, watched some noises and bangs. Glowsticks were involved (it's good when they are, isn't it?) and ate an overpriced burger and then questioned the sexuality of the vendors. Oh and a hilarious go on a spinning ride which involved laughing until tears all the way round. Hehe.

Tuesday was quite fun. There was a careers presentation by Procter and Gamble but basically it also involved a quiz. And hey, I love a good quiz. So the WP team were out in force. We came second and didn't win £500 but we did win some wine. Oh and did I mention the free food and drink? And the goodie bags? Seriously I have about £20 worth of washing tables, £10 of hair products, two hair dyes and three tubs of pringles. Oh and a lady-razor. Haha. Free stuff for the win.

Wednesday was the calmest of the week. I had to do training for something on the exec (which ended up more fun than it sounds) followed by a Glitterball meeting (which ended up less fun than it sounds) but it involved spending time with cool people so you know.

Thursday is what we call the 'ow my liver' day of last week. A nice night out turned drunk because of damn drinking games. Being told to down two pints within an hour when you've already have had two is not going to leave you sober. Especially when more drinks appear later on. But this night was fun. Few photos were taken. Cool people were met. And then another guy who was blatantly hitting on me (I know, hard to believe) but he was... well weird. But I dunno.

Friday involved a hungover breakfast which actually seemed to help. Mmm... 11am sausage. That sounded wrong. But anyway Friday night meant it was time for a free 6 course meal courtesy of my friends mother in lieu of her birthday. But first I needed to buy a shirt. And boy did I buy a nice one. It was from next and I also got a skinny tie and boy did I look good. I know, I'm egotistical. I also got stopped by a charity person and ended up donating. Cause I felt like doing a good deed for Good Friday (Join Me!) and I've been meaning to anyway. It was a charity to help children in terms of broken homes, running away, living on the streets etc. And the girl was too nice and cheerful (in the rain) to say no. So yeah. Good deed.

But cut to the meal. It was fun. Imagine being told you and some friends are meeting your friends mother, sister and some family friends for a meal in a nice restaurant. Sounds intimidating? Well it isn't when her family is bloody amusing in every way possible. Most hilarious evening ever. It also included a mildly attractive waiter called Ryan. Niki and Becky's sister were trying to flirt with him all evening which was amusing in itself. When a waitress asked for desert orders leading to Niki to ask for 'Ryan and some chocolate sauce'. And I don't usually do such things but I said to the waitress 'I do apologise for my female friends... but if there's any Ryan going I'd like some'. Later in the evening Niki tried to give him his phone number on a piece of paper so I wrote my own note along the lines of apologising for the females, but 'if you're not a fan of the fish course...' and wrote my number. I don't know what came over me. But it was fun. And I apologise for the 'vagina is fish' joke. Speaking of fish joke's though... (the girl in question is currently dating a woman)

Nice waitress at my birthday party: What would you like for your main?
Becky: I'll have the fish please
Her mum: Fish! I didn't think you liked fish!
Becky *Starting to giggle*: Yeah, I like fish, been eating it for a while now.
Her sister *Trying to save the situation*: It's me who doesn't like fish mum.
Becky: Yeah, but you used to eat fish, didn't you Kate?!


And so we reach today. And Argos! An Argos induction. Two things: the induction itself was a bit rubbish and like gees, could it be any more obvious what they tell you? Apart from the tour it was a waste of time! I just want to start. £5.83 an hour though! And time and a half on Sunday! Meaning assuming 3.5 hours both Sat and Sun I'll be earning a minimum of £51 a week! Excellent... Oh and the second point was that 60% of their workforce is quite ugly/gormless. Except the two people I was inducted with. Especially the guy... he had a nice ass.

Tomorrow brings the next exec meeting and also some work for I'm sure I have a class test some point this week. Also I need to book a Christmas meal and talk to someone but Friday went by in a blur so I'll have to wait until Monday now.

But anyway all of that is what I've been up to. Now don't say I never give you anything.

Short thought paragraph I think. It's too late to get soppy. But the main theme of my thoughts is this. Life has been good recently. I mean, really good. So much fun, so cherished friends and so positive outcomes to things. I feel like I've changed in many ways but for the better. The only thing that may drag me down will be the guy thing. I'm pledging not to think about it as people keep telling me it's easier then. But my thoughts tend to drift towards it naturally. I mean I'm more fickle with my crushes than anyone, it's the topic of conversations started by other people and it's just... there. So obvious. And then there's Jamie. I realised recently I care more than I thought when the texts slowed down, so I'm gonna kick them up a notch again. See what happens. He's just too great to not try. But at the same time as these thoughts again, life is good. Things just seem to be happening now I'm thinking positive and I reckon, with enough effort not even this will bring me down and I will be invincible!

movies, work, funny, going_out, drinking, university, guys, money, shopping

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