So my iPod case came today. So here's a low quality, badly angeled photo of my
sexy new look iPod. I need a new digital camera really.
So I know precisely none of you are interested in my Buffy the Vampire Slayer ramblings but I started season four today. Now if you did watch it you would realise season 4 means many things. Not just the loss of both the cute Angel and funny Cordelia. Not even the introduction of Anya as a main character. Anya rocks. And not even the fact that the last episode of Season 3 they blow up the school to stop the Mayor, who is now a big snake, from killing them all. Well it has slightly something to do with that.
Anyway the point is (I do have one) is that Buffy starts 'college' aka University. And it's just weird. The episode I watched in question is just regular episode but this time I watched it I got all... tingly. Not because I suddenly got a heterosexual type craving for 'College Chicks' but because it was University! I mean the whole newness of it. Sure it's still TWO MONTHS away but it's so EXCITING. The whole newness of it. Lets just steal Willow's words. 'It's just in high school, knowledge was pretty much frowned upon; you really had to work to learn anything. But here, the energy, the collective intelligence, it's like this force, this penetrating force, and I can just feel my mind opening up, you know? And letting this place just thrust into and, and spurt knowledge into... that sentence ended up in a different place than it started out in.'
*cough* But I just can't wait! Is it October yet?
I suppose we have to get over the results first don't I? They seem very close now it's August. It's just TWO WEEKS. Which is worrying when the other night I had a dream I was in an exam and started crying because I didn't know any of it.
But then again the dream did change suddenly. Have you ever seen Saw? Well it was like that. This woman (Who strangely resembled Alyson Hannigan also known as Willow in Buffy or well you know her. She's the ginger one.) anyway she was trapped by the arm underwater. So she had to get her arm out of this mechanism before she drowned. Luckily she did. Unfortuantly her friend didn't get off so lucky... cause he had had his stomach, esophagus and uh.. his face removed. And they were just floating underwater. It was so CREEPY.
This entry is remarkabley longer than I thought it was going to be. Lets just bale out (or is it 'bail'? Ah who cares) with a Buffy quote.
Conservative Woman: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?
Buffy: Uh, you know I meant to, and then I just got really busy.