All I want for Christmas is ...

Dec 09, 2010 04:41

Haha, I don't know.

Having my birthday on Christmas is unexpectedly insignificant. I vaguely remember this picture of my 3-year-old self (when I was still a blissful only child) with a mini-Christmas tree and little mock presents. I love my friends' reactions whenever I tell them my birthday's on 25th December, their faces go from "uh, ok" to "wait, what?". And I'm not a Christian, so I definitely don't feel the ~bliss~ of being born into a day so significant to one. This year had me pretty gloomy at the thought of birthdays however, not feeling like there's a need to celebrate with cakes and pranks and what else. Plus, I have to attend my cousin's wedding .. which I have been refusing to agree to attend. See, it's bad having a birthday on a "special" day when you're not feeling it, let alone going to a place where everybody celebrates something on that ~special day~ that also happens to be your birthday. It's really hard to separate Christmas from being "my birthday", because I feel like it's being forever tied to myself, and people will always think about me being the living incarnation of whatever Christmas is.

Case in point, when I spoke about me being a non-reader of romance (and how P.S I love You annoys me) this is what my friend says:

"But you're born on Christmas day! Aren't you supposed to be romantic?"

My reaction = "........"

But there are perks!

Because it's decorations like this that makes me feel like there's something magical about Christmas and something magical about everything connected to it:

I think it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen fabricated. It reminds me that my birthday is supposed to be special because I, and each and everyone, is special. I still don't feel like attending my cousin's wedding (I'm not really fond of her), but well. Like my dad says, "go for the food". How am I supposed to tell him that once you worked (past tense) for the food industry for quite some time, good food becomes less appealing than it should be?

*besides, it's not like I have a guarantee that the food must be good ...*

I need to thank the mall's management; they are making the journey I make through the mall to the office plaza more pleasurable, and more meaningful. Until then, jin-jin-jingle bell ~ ♫♪♫♪♫♪

On the subject of work, here's a picture of something I do at work when I'm bored.

Decorating your workstation with lyrics = best way to destress.

[Laptop blurred for obvious reasons]

On a more geeky note, when I went for the company dinner last week, I saw this:

The theme was "All around the world", and some came with kimonos, hanboks, gladiator suits, and etc, but I don't suppose "shinigami shihakusho" is one of the traditional garbs in the real world at the moment. I had a brief fanspasm and almost shrieked when I asked the ojii-san for a picture, though I doubt the dude knows why ....

That's all, I shall take sleep more and hope that the sickness goes away fast!

great way to start the day, bizarre-r stuff had happened before, something evil this way comes, tags are useless anyway, nothing meaningful, what else do you call this?, should be writing, random weird encounters, nothing better to say, woe is me, this post has no continuity, useless entry, i'm crazy insane what do you expect

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