Answers and Ideas

Jan 27, 2013 11:01

This is Part Thirty Three in The Meeting of Breccan & Finar.

previous chapter


The walk back to Nem and Alex’s house exhausted me. Pain shot through my body, and I leaned into Nico for support. I felt bad for burdening him, but he didn’t seem to mind, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me to him as he knocked on the door.

I hoped Nem and Alex would actually be home. After a long stretch of time, Alex opened the door. Nem stood by his side. Both of them looked winded, with decidedly messy hair. My cheeks prickled when I realized what they must have been doing. Nem’s eyes widened, and Alex raised an eyebrow.

“You’re a mess, Breccan. What in all the hells happened to you? And I told you to pick up clothes, not women,” Alex muttered.

Genevieve glared at him. I avoided Alex’s eyes, not really wanting to explain what had happened because I had died. How did I explain that? It was rather awkward. I mumbled, “We ran into some trouble.”

“Are you okay?” Nem breathed, his eyes still wide.

I nearly doubled over when a fresh wave of pain ran though my body, but Nico held me up. I croaked, “I’ll -- let’s get inside before I say anything. Priestess Genevieve has information for us.”

Nem’s eyes got even huger and even Alex looked shocked. “A real Priestess?” the two said in unison.

We entered the house, and I collapsed on the couch. Nico still offered his support, sitting beside me. Alex remained standing, though Nem took a seat in a worn out chair. Genevie took a seat on the couch once Alex gestured that it was okay for her to do so. He looked at her curiously, clearly wondering at the strangeness of our new companion.

After a moment, Alex recovered some sense of composure. He nodded his head to Genevieve, in an apparent gesture of respect. I had no idea of the proper protocol for dealing with Priestesses, as the Priestly Clans had disappeared maybe fifty years ago.

With a serious expression on her face, Genevieve said, “You are aware, I assume, of the increase in shadow monster attacks in the city?”

Alex raised an eyebrow. “Yes, we’ve heard. If you don’t mind my saying, I am...surprised to meet a real Priestess.”

“She is real, if you’re concerned about that, Alex. I -- can tell,” Nico murmured, gazing steadily at Alex.

Genevieve bowed her head. “We failed, as was inevitable. The Priestly Clans -- years ago, the local Clan sacrificed themselves to seal the Shadows of Darkness back where they came from. They gave their lives to stop the monsters and to keep even worse danger from spilling into our world. Their seal was imperfect and not every abomination was sealed.” She gave Nem a long, searching look and breathed in deeply before continuing. “The seal is cracking, slowly now, but as the cracks grow wider, the breakage will only increase in pace.”

Another wave of pain wracked my body. Nico hugged me closer. While I dread the answer, I asked, “And what will happen when the seal breaks fully?”

Genevieve stared right at me. “The end of the world as we know it,” she said simply.

My throat closed up, and Nem gasped. Nico looked horrified. I hugged Nico back, hoping I could offer him some support despite my compromised condition. We sat there in each other’s arms. Both of us knew the world was in danger, but to hear it stated so plainly sent cold shivers up my spine.

“What can we do to stop it?” Nem breathed.

Alex looked curiously at Nico. “Shouldn’t the gods be doing something about this, Nico? You are in charge of the world after all.”

Nico flushed slightly, as if he were ashamed of his people’s inaction.

“The gods are so -- on a higher level of existence that they do not understand the dangers of the returning shadow creatures. These monsters have, for the most part, concentrated their attacks on the Earthly plane, which presents more danger to them,” Genevieve said, gazing levelly at Alex.

“Th-the creatures -- I’m weak against them,” Nico mumbled, looking down at the ground. “All deities are, I think. When -- when a monster attacked the Gods Council, the gods there couldn’t seem to fight it, though they might have just been surprised.”

Genevieve’s body jerked, like some invisible force pulled on it. “The Gods Council was attacked?” she gasped.

“It was,” I said slowly. I didn’t want to reveal this story, but I felt it was important.. “A -- shadow tentacle burst in while Nico and I were there. The only reason it was repelled -- I told a mortal mage friend of mine to attack it.”

“That is -- strange. The shadow monsters, from what we know of them, are strong against divine magic, but I didn’t expect them to attack the Gods Council. I wonder why they did,” Genevieve murmured. I thought I saw both fear and confusion in her eyes.

“That’s all well and good, but I do want to know why Breccan looks like he lost a fight with one of those creatures,” Alex muttered. He had his hands in his pockets and looked entirely too casual for the situation

My face burned, and I stared at the ground. I didn’t want to reveal what had happened, but Genevieve didn’t remain so silent. She said, “I watched this young man die at the hands of the shadow monster while fighting it. The creature died with him. Then I saw the god bring him back to life.”

Hearing my story recounted like that made me shiver. Nico provided some warmth, so I snuggled closer to him despite being in public. Thinking about how I had died frightened me; I didn’t want to believe it. I was grateful to Nico, but, at the same time, I wondered if he should have let the thing kill me.

“So what do we do now?” Nem asked. He looked towards Alex, as if expecting the man to decide.

Genevieve bowed her head again. “We are -- at a loss. The Priestly Clans are targets of these creatures and most of us don’t dare go out of hiding, even now. We fear having to make a sacrifice and fear even more than it won’t be enough this time. We need some advantage, something, but I don’t know what.”

Her words made my stomach sink. If the Priests and Priestesses were too afraid to fight these things, what hope did we have? Still, we had to do something. “Why even come to us with this?” I asked.

“The Clans are not what they once were,” Genevieve sighed. “Anybody who would dare fight a shadow monster is someone I expected might be willing to help us.”

Nico looked unbearably sad. “I don’t know how we can help. We don’t even know anything. I’m useless, I’m afraid,” he said.

Alex crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s not like the local library has much information about shadow monsters,” he muttered.

“It doesn’t. I checked,” Genevieve said.

Strangely enough, Nico’s face lit up. “Why didn’t I think of that sooner?” he breathed.

Alex glared at him. “Because it’s a bad idea?”

Nico shook his head. “No, no, I don’t mean looking for knowledge in any mortal library. But the Library of the Gods? It -- it might have something.”

“But mortals aren’t allowed there,” Nem murmured, staring at Nico.

The god smiled. “I think I can manage to sneak all of us in. Many gods these days don’t bother to visit, anyway.”

Genevieve ran a hand through her hair. “It’s risky, surely. But I don’t have any other ideas at the moment. I will agree to try this, though it is blasphemy for any mortal, especially a Priestess, to trespass in the Divine Realm.”

“It’s not blasphemy or trespassing if I’m giving you permission,” Nico said, looking at her.

“I suppose not,” she murmured.

Genevieve was right; the plan posed a huge risk. We had to do something, though, and this was the best idea we had. In the fight against the shadow monsters, sneaking into the LIbrary of the Gods was worth the risk.


written for 500themes prompt #485 - "When Death's Lips Left Mine"

next chapter

character: nico, series: gods and shadow creatures, pov: breccan, pairing: nico/breccan, 500themes, character: breccan

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