Attention Sci-fi/Fantasy Writers: Call For Submission

Jan 05, 2013 08:03

Originally posted by pixiebelle at Attention Sci-fi/Fantasy Writers: Call For Submission
This comes from my friend rhondaparrish and she wanted us to spread the word. It sounds like it could be an interesting anthology, and some proceeds go to charity, so even better. When the post says "me", it references rhondaparrish since I copied her post directly.

Check out the details below:

Call for Submissions

Cancer scares us. It scares us and it intrigues us. There is so much we don’t know about it, but it’s out there, waiting to strike when we least expect it. Cancer is not all-powerful and many people beat it, but to those who don’t cancer is cruel. It doesn’t show them the kindness of a quick death but draws things out, taking their life away in slices.

(ANTHOLOGY TITLE)* will be a fantasy/sci-fi anthology all about cancer. The stories and poetry included could feature a character with cancer, be written from the point of view of cancer, or even be by someone with cancer. That being said, those which go a step further and dig deeper will be even better.

What if cancer isn’t a disease but an attack on the human race by aliens/demons/monsters/terrorists?

What if it’s sentient?

What if people wanted to get cancer?

What if…?

Cancer is the body turning on itself. It’s uncontrolled growth. It is invisible and indiscriminate. Submissions to this anthology are encouraged to explore metaphorical approaches to this theme as well as literal ones.

Due to the nature of cancer this collection will tend toward the darker side of the speculative fiction spectrum but we don’t want the entire anthology to be gloomy and depressing so the absolute best submissions will find a way to end on a high note, find something to be optimistic about, or evoke an emotion other than (or in addition to) sadness or dread.

A portion of the proceeds from this anthology will be donated to the American Cancer Society.**

The editor for this anthology is Rhonda Parrish.

How to Submit:

I are looking for stories up to 7,500 words long and poems up to 40 lines long.

Please follow standard manuscript formatting when submitting ( and send your submission to as an .rtf file.

Put ‘Cancer Submission - “the title of your submission” - your last name’ as the subject of your email.

No simultaneous submissions, please.

You may send up to five poems and one story.

No reprints.

Payment is $10.00 advance with an equal share of 25% of royalties.

Deadline: June 30, 2013

*The publisher and I haven’t settled on a title for this anthology yet, but if you have a super great idea we’d love to hear it. Wolfsinger Publications is holding a contest on their Facebook page ( to name this book. Best of all, if we choose your title you’ll receive a free copy of the book when it’s finished.

**If you’re like me you’re always a little suspicious of vague phrasing like ‘some portion of the proceeds’ when it comes to charity donations. The reason I can’t say specifically yet what percentage of royalties are going to charity is because each contributor will be given the option of donating their percentage of their royalties or not as they’d prefer. The royalty breakdown looks like this:
25% - American Cancer Society
25% - Editor (rhondaparrish)
25% - Publisher
25% - Shared between contributors

and I am donating my royalties as well. So that means at least 50% of the proceeds from this project will be going to the American Cancer Society.

Please help spread the word about this anthology and, if you’re a writer, consider submitting something too.

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