Yuletide Letter!

Oct 25, 2014 23:30

Dear Mysterious Author,

Thank you so much for writing for me! ^_^

I’ve included lists of elements I like and elements I dislike, as well as possible prompts for the fandoms and things I’d like to see for each selection I made. Slash and femslash stories are definitely high up there for my likes; there’s also a lot of kinks and such in this letter, but, as long as you avoid the things I don’t like, I’m sure I’ll be happy no matter what kind of story you write. You don’t have to include or write about anything that makes you uncomfortable; I want you to enjoy writing for me. :)

Some of these fandoms are already on the smuttier side, but any rating is fine. I know you’ll come up with something awesome.

For my fic, I'd prefer a happy or hopeful ending where none of the main characters die. Angst and dark themes are cool and probably unavoidable for some of these fandoms, but I'd like things to end with at least some hope. No completely dark or totally hopeless endings, please.

One thing to note is I LOVE D/s themes and BDSM but DO NOT like the idea that submission is a weakness and that the dominant person gains something while the submissive person loses something when they surrender to them. I also do not like the idea that women are naturally submissive. If you keep all that in mind, I'd be super-happy if you included D/s or BDSM stuff. ^_^

These fandoms are in random order and not organized by preference or anything like that. I'd be super-happy to get any of them. :)

Also, while I may have suggested a lot of prompts, if any of my general likes speak to you, feel free to disregard the prompts and go with your own idea.


Things I Like:
poly relationships (including open relationships), BDSM, power imbalance, D/s themes, breathplay, knifeplay, bloodplay, consent issues (fuck or die, AMTDI, etc.), hurt/comfort, strong women/competent women in positions of power, branding, collars, claiming/establishing ownership, prizes/the spoils of war, shyness, cuddling, exhibitionism/voyeurism, sex with one person naked and one not, characters who wear glasses, virgins/inexperience, public arousal/sex, cat people (not covered in fur)

persons of color/interracial relationships, sex slaves, gods messing with mortals, royalty, fairies/fae, human/nonhuman relationships, prostitution, accidental bonds, the "there is only one bed, so we have to share" trope, humorous fics, aliens, the "sugar mommy/sugar daddy" trope where someone who is rich takes in someone who is in need of money in exchange for companionship and often sex. The person who is taken in is often given expensive gifts, taken on extravagant trips, and the like.


Things I Dislike:
Infidelity, ladies treated horribly especially when it's just to create angst for the male protagonist, scat, ageplay (including daddy!kink), puppy/pony play, vampires, zombies, shifters, bestiality, necrophilia, vomit, jealousy, vore/cannibalism, incest, gay for you, underage, food involved in sex, healing sex, parenting-themed anything, magical minorities, white people being the Best Member Ever in a group of POC

pregnancy, watersports, body swap, Westerns, medical fetishization, foot fetish, crossdressing, alpha/beta/omega verse, school uniform fetishization, rape to love (exception: the rapist does not do it of his own free will), 2nd person POV, misunderstanding-based plots that would be easily resolved if the characters would just talk, plots based on characters being stupid in an out-of-character way just to facilitate the plot, brain damage/brain injuries, character-bashing, focus on het romance/sex


Fandoms and Characters

Hojer Series - Alicia Cameron (Jeremy “Jere” Peters, Wren)

I have a serious weakness for slavefics, and this one definitely fit the bill. I love how Jere is a reluctant master who ended up with a slave unintentionally. Jere is definitely a fish out of water when he moves to Hojer, and that’s fun. The relationship between Jere and Wren is engaging, and the world in the series is cool (even if it’s rather messed up). Smut is not required but certainly appreciated in this fandom.

I requested just two characters, but that's not because they're the only ones I'd want. Other optional characters I'd love to see included are Dane and the younger Paltrek Wysocka.

A few ideas for you to choose from:

- What about an AU with Wren as the master and Jere as the slave? How would that work, since in canon their statues are tied to their gifts? I'm quite fond of the idea that Wren would be a lot less egalitarian than Jere is, but it's up to you how they'd interact. I'm curious to see how these two personalities would do in a universe where the roles were switched. Bonus points if somehow the younger Paltrek is a slave in this universe. Would Dane be his master?

- Jere tries to plan an anniversary surprise for Wren -- the problem is he's terrible at being sneaky and organizing anything without Wren's help. Will Wren like his surprise? Smut would be great here, but it's not required. Set this whenever during canon you think is the most appropriate.

- How about a canon scene from a different perspective? It would be cool to see something from Dane's or the younger Paltrek's perspective. How do Jere and Wren's unusual interactions look to outsiders? It would also be neat to see Dane and his master when Jere and Wren are not around.

- A smut prompt! It is an erotic series, so it would be lots of fun to see Jere and Wren having kinky sex. Wren does enjoy Jere's submissive side, so exploring that is always a good time. It's interesting to see the ostensible master liking to be dominated (even if he won't allow anyone to break his skin with a knife after the events of one of the short stories).


Finder no Hyouteki | Finder Series (Asami Ryuichi, Takaba Akihito)

This pairing has so many issues and is definitely twisted. I enjoy the series with all its drama. It’s just so sexy. For this fandom, I definitely want a story where Asami and Akihito’s relationship is the focus. Smut is not required but certainly appreciated in this fandom. I've only read the volumes published in English, so no spoilers for anything volume 6, please.

A few ideas for you to choose from:

- A space AU! It would be so much fun to see space yakuza. I bet news photographers exist even in outer space, so Akihito would get in trouble just like in canon, though I'm certainly not opposed to him meeting space!Asami in some other way. I wouldn't say no to one of the boys being some kind of sexy alien, either.

- A urban fantasy AU! I don't want zombies, werewolves or vampires, but other sexy supernatural creatures are totally cool, like demons and fae. What if Asami were some kind of powerful and high-ranking demon, and Akihito is a young man investigating supernatural phenomenon who gets more than he bargains for? Bonus points if Asami is an incubus because I think he would have supernatural seduction abilities in that kind of world.

- If you don't like speculative AUs, how about a story where Akihito asks Asami to take him out on a date like a normal couple? I don't know how easily Asami would give in, but he might agree eventually? Maybe they go to a cherry blossom festival? It would be amusing to see Asami out of his element if he tries to act anything like an average everyday person. I doubt he'd be that great at it. ^_^

- Another real-world prompt idea: Akihito is looking up a new-to-him kink online, when Asami catches him in the act because Akihito is not as stealthy as he likes to think. Asami teases the very embarrassed Akihito, and, naturally, sex ensues. (Bonus: the kink Akihito is looking up is knifeplay/bloodplay.)


Black Magician series - Trudi Canavan (Lord Dannyl, Tayend of Tremmelin)

This series was set in a cool fantasy world, which is a thing I always enjoy. They even had canon queer characters, which is sadly rare. The problem I had was when the gay couple wasn’t really allowed to be a couple in the first trilogy. Thats where fanfic comes in. I requested this fandom because I’d really like to see guys acting actually romantic, affectionate and even sexual towards each other.

I requested just Dannyl and Tayend, but I have a prompt with Ashaki Achati, too, as an option. If you want him to show up, that would be cool.

A few ideas for you to choose from:

- Dannyl and Tayend spent a lot of time in that library. I imagine their study sessions didn't always stay perfectly chaste. There were probably at least some library makeouts, which would be awesome to see. They didn't get to express nearly enough affection in canon itself.

- What would some of Dannyl and Tayned's canon interactions look like from Tayend's point of view? If you could work in onscreen displays of affection, that would also be awesome because there just wasn't enough of that in the first trilogy itself.

- How about another alternate-POV prompt? If you're cool with writing something for the second trilogy, it would be great to see how the events there look from Ashaki Achati's perspective? I wouldn't say not to sexy content here, either. This would be an exception to my "no infidelity" rule as Ashaki Achati is actually married, though I would prefer his wife not actually show up much or be too important to the fic.


Shatter Me f. Lzzy Hale - Lindsey Stirling (Music Video) (The Engineer, The Ballerina)

I see so many femslash possibilities in this video. Something about a relationship or attraction between the two female characters was the first thing I thought of, but I'm open to other kinds of connections between them. The steampunk elements in the video were awesome, and it just has cool visuals. I see lots of storytelling possibility in this video, and it’s a good song, too. :)

A few ideas for you to chose from:

- Something set in a steampunk verse where the characters experience repressed attraction to each other but struggle to express it in a possibly-hostile world. I can't help thinking a lesbian steampunk ballerina would be awesome.

- What if the ballerina were actually some kind of robot/cyborg? It would be neat to see a relationship between the human engineer and the nonhuman ballerina, especially if you break convention and have the robotic partner more in touch with her emotions.

- The ballerina is trapped and the engineer has to rescue her. What does she have to do to save her and what is their relationship? Can the engineer save her, or are her own issues going to foil any rescue attempts?


Captive Prince - C.S. Pacat (Damen, Laurent)

These books are awesome; I just wish the next one was coming out soon. There’s so much rich worldbuilding, plot, and fascinating character relationships. In this fandom, I’d be happy with either slash or UST-filled pre-slash like what happens during the bulk of the novels.

I requested just the two characters because I want the focus to be on them, but feel free to include other characters in your story if you want. :)

A few ideas for you to choose from:

- What happens next? How can you make a happy ending Damen and Laurent come out of the events at the end of the second book? I want to see them together and happy if you can make that happen.

- This may be a little out-there, but if you could make a Space Opera AU happen, that would be beyond awesome. I think that kind of setting could work with the intrigue and plotting of the main novels.

- We don't get to see Laurent's viewpoint in canon, so a story from his POV would be cool. He's so intelligent, so something where he's plotting circles around other characters would be fun, either during canon or after.

- Also, canon divergence and role reversal AUs are fun, like what if Auguste had lived or what if Laurent were the slave?

- Of course, I wouldn't say no to smut fic between these two characters. They're so sexy together, with a interesting character dynamic between them.


Happy writing! I look forward to seeing the awesomeness you create. ^_^


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