Jul 17, 2006 11:25
The Good News
Finally got World of Warcraft (WOW) and I can say that its incredibly addictive. So much so that I haven't posted here in almost a month since I got it. Player versus Player (pvp) is fun and the only reason I play my char sometimes. I haven't even played the alliance side since I created only Horde characters, undead mostly. I hate the night elves enough to raid their cities on occasion. I can honestly say I am looking forward to the new expansion pack, Burning Crusade.
Plus I could afford to buy fireworks this year. Yay! (I'm buying more next year :D)
The Bad News
The lag in WOW is terrible. Updates are really made for the DSL crowd, sometimes over 200MB an update. You can't play until you get the patches which is really annoying. I had to go to a friends house to download the updates since even with DSL they are incredibly slow to download. DSL doesn't come to my area til later this year.
Oh yeah, I haven't updated my website since I got the game. Plus I may be moving within the next few months.