I hate it when people try to fight the future. Iranian hardliners are trying to kill access to the internet for Iranians that might disagree that the middle ages were teh awesome.
Open source insurgency works like this. Information can be copied instantly and freely, it cannot be contained in a networked world. Google served me up two quick how to's for setting up a proxy so Iranians can communicate without being blocked
http://blog.austinheap.com/2009/06/15/how-to-setup-a-proxy-for-iran-citizens-for-windows/ self explanatory, and anyone with an ounce of windows knowledge can do it
http://www.duanestorey.com/2009/06/help-iran-with-a-proxy-server/ shows how The Cloud and virtualisation can also be deployed to provide not just a proxy for Iranians but how you can create a proxy for yourself, should you ever wind up behind one of those Great Firewalls of ignorance.
I think the great failure of censorship is imminent.
remember kids, nothing provides the security of being behind
seven proxies Also, be kind, set up a TOR node.