On BBC two over the past two days the ABC Docu-drama Path to 9-11 has been showing. It's
received some flak for being rather inaccurate, placing most of the blame on the Clinton administration. It does a hatchet job on the bureaucracies that the neocons see as impeding them, the State Department and the CIA, and cheerleads all of their pet projects like warrentless wiretapping and searches. The state department has been shut out of the loop since 2000, while the CIA has undergone a stalinist ideological purge. It includes the famous
august 6th presidential daily briefing that stated "Bin laden determined to stike inside the US", but whereas in the film it was read by Condi and Bush suddenly decided Bin laden should be a priority, what actually happened was
after Bush was briefed by a CIA officer on the memo, Bush replied, "All right. You've covered your ass, now." The movie's director
Davin L. Cunningham is an evangelical and son of the founder of Youth with a Mission an evangelical missionary organisation, and republican former New Jersey governor Tom Kean, is a paid consultant on the project
ABC (owned by Disney) were touting this as a historical documentary. it cost 40 mil and yet they aren't picking up advertising, and are giving it away free as an educational tool, with free downloads via itunes. That's a fourty million dollar gift to the far right unless, they're recieving sponsorship for it they don't want publicised, (possibly from a right wing political action committee). It's not surprising everyone knows
Walt was a
It may have been even less accurate had Harvey Keitel not had his own fact checkers and forced constant rewrites.
Update. Just came accross this. The 7 minutes after Bush is informed of the attack and those 7 minutes at ground zero.