New comedy on BBC 2.
Supernova Series 2.
Missed the first series. sitcom about an astronomer played by rob brydon moving out to an observatory in the middle of the australian outback. the first season didn't seem to be too well recieved critically, but I caught the first episode of the second season, and it had camel jockying, slight moments of surrealness, a sense of that stranded in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of nutcases doing nothing so we'll get pissed all the time feel, and some decent physics jokes. It did suffer from being too ordinary a sitcom structurally.
Time Trumpet is brilliant, a culture nostalgia show (like "I love 1989" etc) but from the 2030's looking back at events that haven't happened yet, like david beckham having a vagina implanted in his arm, charlotte church puking herself inside out and dale wintons suicide boming, and discussing cultural trends, such as the exact sequence of wipes in Top of the Pops 2's title sequence.
Not quite as bitingly political as Broken News or
Don't Watch that Watch This but very funny.
ten minute preview