Ежегодная стипендия (грант) имени
Юджина Шумейкера для студентов и аспирантов любой страны, изучающих кратеры на Земле или на любом другом небесном теле (пока только в Солнечной системе) - 2500 долларов США. Предоставляется
Lunar and Planetary Institute.
Заявку (с рекомендательными письмами) необходимо подать до 9 сентября. Победитель будет выбран на конкурсной основе.
The Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award is for undergraduate or graduate students, of any nationality, working in any country, in the disciplines of geology, geophysics, geochemistry, astronomy, or biology. The award, which will include $2500, is to be applied for the study of impact craters, either on Earth or on the other solid bodies in the solar system, which areas of study may include but shall not necessarily be limited to impact cratering processes, the bodies (asteroidal or cometary) that make the impacts, or the geological, chemical or biological results of impact cratering. Details about the award can be found below as well as an
application form for interested students.
Лекции о Луне.