
Aug 08, 2012 21:47

 Taken from 

Take a fandom set in a place you're not from, and write an AU set in the place you are from.

So I'm from England, but I live in NZ, and I find it easier to do this for NZ.

    • Gibbs would be a country boy, probably from Southland. He would have done some peace keeping work, and maybe some work forthe British SAS, therefore think he's a badass.
    • Tony would be a JAFFA complete with the UoA education, he would have gotten halfway through his BA/BLLB conjoint beforerealising law was boring.  He would have a flat with three other Uni buddies, who would all be growing up except him. He'd have aslew of girls, who never stick around.  
    • Ducky would get 'bleening Pom' jokes all the time, and have a swanky house.  
    • McGee would be a boy from somewhere like Tauranga who went to Otago for Uni, but much to Tony's disappointment never went toa party there. He would live in a co-ed group, and a whole episode would have Tony trying to hook up with McGee's hot female flatmate.  
    • Abby, would probably work for the Metropolitan Police Dept. so Gibbs would be BFF's with her to get her services. Her skirt would beshorter. 
    • Kate would have just come back from her big OE and suddenly too fast paced for Auckland, she would get frustrated with Britomart Train Stations silly systems.  
    • Ziva would be flashy import, who everyone is a little racist too. She would screw up with Maori stuff, and after accidently wearingshoes in a Marae, would go overboard with Tapu. She probably wouldn't be Israeli, maybe South African. She'd also be way too sercurity conscious. 
    • They'd have a room in the Navy Base, because the Navy is very small. They'd mostly investigate drunkdriving, unauthorized absences, and sexual assault.
    • At the end of every episode, Gibbs and Fornell (who works for Auckland Metropolitan Police) would sit on Gibbs' veranda with a beer,and say "Yeah,Nah." 

2) Pan Am
    • They'd be based in Auckland. Because I think it was the only place with an international airport in the 1960's.
    • The four girls would live in a little villa, in Onehanga (and original suburb).
    • Laura and Kate would be from somewhere like New Plymouth, and therefore rather bewildered by the 'Big Smoke'.
    • Bridget would still be British, and have an air of sophistication about her, which Maggie hates, but the others in an awe of.She'd refer to NZ as 'the colonies'
    • Maggie, would be brash Australian, who everyone makes fun of her 'convict origins'.
    • Sanjeev would be a Samoan.
    • Colette would be French Polynesian, and viewed as exotic. She would have a lot of men. She would also be orphaned. 
    • Dean would be from the South. Like rural Otago. So he would be in awe of the big machines. 
    • Ted would have been raised in Auckland and considered himself better. 
    • They would mostly fly to Aussie and the Pacific Islands.
    • The girls would be lamenting about the lack of civilized men. 
    • Sanjeev (who would be called Sione) would encounter racism and over stayer taunts.
    • Colette would throw awesome parties, and the country boy would fall for the Island Princess. 
    • And the last scene 1964 would take place on mission Bay, with a cheap bottle on champers. 
    • Also, the uniforms would be uglier.
    • And passangers would always accuse them of being Aussie or English based on where they went. It would be a running gagthat  nobody knows where NZ is. 
I had way too much fun with this.  This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

for darling doro, meme, [fandom]: pan am, [fandom]: ncis

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