Title: My Light
Fandom: NCIS
Author: alidiabin
Words: 100.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Genre: pre-series, femslash
Warnings/Spoilers/Rating: none || none || PG
Pairings/Characters: Jenny/Ziva.
Prompt: Ziva and Jenny, shadows. From the lovely
trailofdebris .
Summary: She is her light in the shadows.
My Light
Their job was in the shadows. They navigated the grey area between good and evil. But being between the shadows was a lonely place to be.
"Your name means radiant," Jenny whispered as she read a baby names book while the watched their target from the bookstall.
"Yes," Ziva replied keeping her eye on the target.
"And gods light," Jenny continued, not understanding Jenny's sudden interest in name meanings.
"You are my light," Jenny replied.
Ziva shook her head. Jenny was hers with her pale skin and flame- colored hair, Jenny was her light as they navigated the shadows together.
This entry was originally posted at
http://alidiabin.dreamwidth.org/226671.html. Please comment there using OpenID.