Gnaked from
klingonlady 10 irrelevant facts about me
1) I am left-handed.
2) I like coffee ... I like it a lot. I use old coffee tins/chipped coffee cups to store things in. And have random things from Bed, Bath and Beyond, with a coffee cup in Paris and a coffee cup in Rome. They lean so I can hide stuff behind them on my bookcase.
3) I have a varied music taste. I'm currently listening to Metallica, with country and hip-hop being the least listened too. ETA: Now it's PJ Harvey
4) I have always wanted to be an only child.
5) I have no problems with advertisements if it means I get something for free.
6) I really like spy novels/movies. The Debt and Tinker Tailor Soilder Spy are on my must watch list.
7) I prefer older people to my peers.
8) I'm really bad with people I find attractive.
9) White wine is my favorite alcohol.
10) I'm really excited for NCIS episode 200.
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