I told myself i wouldnt go out tonight so that i could do the comp assignment/physics study/engg1000 report that I really need to do. But no, here I am procrastinating again =(
So.. the upside is that i'm posting up new photos......
Oh and because 'm very lazy i haven't rotated them, quit yer whining =P
These are a couple from garth's 18th, I did not take many, this is what happens when i'm the one taking the photos not shweta =(
On the tram on the way to star city...
Ppls at Star city
Us Girls with the style police!!!
Approved =D
Now some Photos of the ever fabulous TEAM XL!!!!
Some stylish pics of our contraption...
On the tether...
The team...
And last of all, some pics taken today while we were hiding from the rain...
Board Art =P
Nerding it up...
And thats about it =)
I guess i'll just have to go and do all that work I was hiding from =(