My name is Ali.
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I'm hoping to be a college student in the near-future, once I've gotten through my current health crisis. I a certified lactation counselor and I have a passion for working with new mums. I'm a big fan of attachment parenting. I think breastfeeding is both an important public health issue and incredibly empowering experience for women.
I'm quite liberal in my political views. I'm a feminist. I'm a
Unitarian Universalist humanist. I like cats. I like dogs, too, but not enough to actually own one.
I am an
endometriosis survivor. I
am passionate about
raising awareness about this
awful disease. On December 23, 2008 I had a hysterectomy to address complications of endo (a laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy and removal of my right ovary, to be precise). I am happy to talk about endometriosis and/or hysterectomy, if you need someone to talk to. I have found
the hystersisters website to be enormously helpful as well.
tweet. I
blog. And I chat with
Moms Like Me.
I value quality over quantity when it comes to friends & followers lists. I'd rather have five folks I chat with regularly and whom I genuinely care about than 100 to whom I rarely speak. If we're not having actual conversations, I don't see the point of being on each others' friends list.