Looking for A Cartoon Again (x-posted)

Jun 12, 2010 23:59

I ask this just about every year online and I still can't find it:
There was this cartoon I use to watch on a bootleg tape along with Puff The Magic Dragon.
Since I was born in the 80's I'm almost sure it had to be from the 70's.
All I remember is a man adopts a dog (I'm not sure if he is a puppy or not) who is very smart and can talk (or at least he is the narrator of the cartoon) and tries to teach him to do tricks and do other dog-like things. The dog doesn't want to be treated like a dog at all and walks on two legs and keeps saying how stupid the man is . The dog the keeps getting the man hurt again and again doing everyday things like changing a lightbulb (I think).
In the end the dog 'adopts' the little baby boy of the family and dances off into the sunset with him saying "At least there's still hope for the little one."

Does anyone know the name of this cartoon? I think it might have been made in the UK I remember the accent clearly...

In other cartoon news, I knew something about Him dated back with me long looong before Powerpuff Girls...
I found the source O.o

image Click to view

Must..find copy of Rock And Rule now O.o
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