Saddam Down, 6,682,697,067 more people to go

Dec 30, 2006 09:11

So I'm sure everyone out there is in some degree discussing this execution of Suddam Hussein.

Some interesting reads for those interested

And from the CBC…

“The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who opposed the invasion of Iraq, said Saddam’s execution will not increase the moral authority of the United States in the world.

“Saddam’s heinous crimes against humanity can never be diminished, but he was our ally while he was doing it,” he said Friday. “Saddam as a war trophy only deepens the catastrophe to which we are indelibly linked.”

On that note, we have executed a man the media is comparing to Hitler, and i've seen more coverage of Brittney Spears sloppy vagina than the trial of our supposed anti-christ.

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