Update.....A Real One

Feb 25, 2006 12:17

Well the biggest news obviously is that Steve and I are no longer together. Those of you closest to me already know this. No big scandel, no monumental life changing event...
Sometimes people grow apart...and when your best friend is your lover, its even harder to balance a breakup well. We are trying though, and I hope with time we can still be best friends.

So the zip is now 85250, Scottsdale gangstah fo life.
*groan* But its not all bad, Starbucks on every corner and silicone as far as the eye can see !!!

I'm holding up, it's an adjustment to be sure, although last time i was here i didn't have a social security number, lisence or car...so we're making progress! :)

Otherwise, just taking things one day at a time, looking forward to going out and doing alot of things for myself (some MUCH needed things for myself)...

See you there! < 3
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