I love it when a meme both tells you a little about a friend, and a little about a fandom. Is it any wonder I can't resist the new one floating around?
1. Post a list of 10 books/movies/TV shows that you've had a massive love of at some time in your life
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1) Xander?
2) Snape?
7) Jayne?
8) Rodney?
They're the only ones I share, sadly.
2. YES!
7. YES! "I'll be in my bunk."
8. I go through phases where Rodney is my favorite, but not usually, so I'd have to say no. He is a VERY close second, though
If you have any recs, throw them my way! I'm going to try to read as much in the awards as possible before voting ends, but I'm already hooked.
http://www.wraithbait.com/ is a great archive, and if you're looking for McShep in particular, Crossroads is brilliant for looking for any particular type of fic and Steph's Recs are very extensive. Other than that... there are too many great fics to name any individually. I have to say that I thoroughly recommend everything by lamarduese, though.
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